2017-04-28 06:42

SPOILERS AHEAD!!!!! So... This story is a headache to review, but most of the views either hate or love this novel. It deserves neither. The Galactic Dark Net, as many greatly negative reviews point out, has quite the interesting premise. It is kind of like this: 'Earth has recently entered into a galactic stage, and ability users, Aka espers, are the representative elite of each world. Earth avoided colonization by the skin of their teeth. but their hero, Ke Lake, has mysteriously disappeared. Meanwhile, a guy named Han discovers the existence of the dark net, and begins his rise to become a hero for not just earth, but for the entire galaxy!' Yeah, boils your blood right? Well, although this premise and the ideas that follow are exceptional, certain obvious contradictions and oversights from the author make this story go from exceptional to mediocre. For example, his wolf fang battalion tactic operates on the basis that his void domain nullifies all powers without the victim being aware of it. Well, the author will drop this explanation at the drop of the hat whenever it doesn't suit the main character, or the battle he is in. In fact, the author even uses the void domain as a replacement for a simultaneous signal for a couple of masters to withdraw their source energy at the same time. Then, in the very next chapter, he uses the fact that it is unnoticeable to surprise one of his enemies... Sigh. Anyways, the translation is ok at times, sub-par at others, but the idea always remains clear. So its not like you will encounter issues understanding the plot, although at times you will question the infinitely numerous layers of plot armor revolving around the main character. Character development focuses mainly around important characters that often interact with the main character, while he himself remains largely unchanged. Of course, development ceases beyond this sphere of influence, besides the occasional 'oh he's such a genius' or 'wow, he's badass.' But this is typical of most Chinese novels; the story isn't necessarily worse off without good character development. Although this can lead to repetitive situations, the author avoids ****** the reader sick of the novel by constantly inserting new ideas, new unique elements to make the story more entertaining. Thus, considering all that I've said, this novel deserves around 3.2 stars. It's better than average (3 stars), but the drawbacks mentioned makes this story a favorite for some, and a blight for others. As you can probably tell, I like the novel a lot, despite its obvious drawbacks. Now I'm not saying that you will necessarily like this novel, but I encourage you to try it out. You might find that it's better than you originally thought!

Liked by 97 people


The way I see it, the reason why Void Domain is wishy washy at times when it comes to "surprise" is that it depends on the situation, and some thought is lost in the translation. That said, VD can surprise people and catch them off-guard when they aren't actively using their power, whereas the fight against the Strangling Boa, the 3 of the Warlords are actively using their Source Energy to keep the field from collapsing, and when VD took away their powers, all 3 of them could feel it disappear at the same time. The huge plothole in the current chapters is the fact that VD does not work on beings much powerful than 6 Star Warlords as it only weakens them instead of sealing it away. Which is weird since that didn't stop VD from sealing 3-5 Star Warriors when Han was still around 2-3 Stars. Not to mention the fact that Han could not regulate the Void Domain Field. I mean, sealing powers within 10M - 100M for a date isn't that absurd, but he can't use it now when the range is around 10KM at Warlord Level as it might accidentally disrupt other people from training or defending themselves. If he could regulate it, then he might be able to completely seal powers within 5 meters of him, even against the 7-8 Star Warlords. And since the beginning, the Author alludes to a Legendary 9 Star Warlord status, whereas in recent chapters, it gets mentioned again since his enemies are already at 8-Stars. Which makes me wonder what drastic transformation would take place, since every 3rd Star Level lets the internal Source Energy transforms the user's body to more efficiently use the power, not unlike the process of a butterfly's growth, from Egg to Catterpillar, then to Pupa and then finally a Butterfly. And I will assume, VD's range would extend to half the galaxy when he reaches that final point...if not, then 10MegaMeters isn't a joke.

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6 stars are the so-called Quasi-warlord, VD can only weaken superpowers at 8 stars, but if the enemy is 7 star and below, it removes them.

ShadowBlazer:The way I see it, the reason why Void Domain is wishy washy at times when it comes to "surprise" is that it depends on the situation, and some thought is lost in the translation. That said, VD can surprise people and catch them off-guard when they aren't actively using their power, whereas the fight against the Strangling Boa, the 3 of the Warlords are actively using their Source Energy to keep the field from collapsing, and when VD took away their powers, all 3 of them could feel it disappear at the same time. The huge plothole in the current chapters is the fact that VD does not work on beings much powerful than 6 Star Warlords as it only weakens them instead of sealing it away. Which is weird since that didn't stop VD from sealing 3-5 Star Warriors when Han was still around 2-3 Stars. Not to mention the fact that Han could not regulate the Void Domain Field. I mean, sealing powers within 10M - 100M for a date isn't that absurd, but he can't use it now when the range is around 10KM at Warlord Level as it might accidentally disrupt other people from training or defending themselves. If he could regulate it, then he might be able to completely seal powers within 5 meters of him, even against the 7-8 Star Warlords. And since the beginning, the Author alludes to a Legendary 9 Star Warlord status, whereas in recent chapters, it gets mentioned again since his enemies are already at 8-Stars. Which makes me wonder what drastic transformation would take place, since every 3rd Star Level lets the internal Source Energy transforms the user's body to more efficiently use the power, not unlike the process of a butterfly's growth, from Egg to Catterpillar, then to Pupa and then finally a Butterfly. And I will assume, VD's range would extend to half the galaxy when he reaches that final point...if not, then 10MegaMeters isn't a joke.

The MC's powers make me think of the recently released South Park game. At one point, very early on, the player fight an "alternate reality version" of a party member (his nerdy cousin who wants to play superheroes too) and once you get him down to low health he heals himself to full. Party member calls him out on this and he responds with what I can only assume the MC runs on in GDN. "Nuh-UH! It's totally canon in my alternate universe so just deal with it."

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so basically... it's trash, but trash that you'll read. But if you get disappointed, it's trash and others have told you it's trash, but you read it either way... but to enjoy it even though it's a contradiction in itself, then it's trash you enjoy. If you don't enjoy it, then it's trash you DON'T want to keep reading or will keep reading to see how much trashier and mediocre it could become from a primes so well thought out, then discarded.


Hahaha LOL 😂


I like it tho




Trash beyond trash most Chinese novels are

Zayah:so basically... it's trash, but trash that you'll read. But if you get disappointed, it's trash and others have told you it's trash, but you read it either way... but to enjoy it even though it's a contradiction in itself, then it's trash you enjoy. If you don't enjoy it, then it's trash you DON'T want to keep reading or will keep reading to see how much trashier and mediocre it could become from a primes so well thought out, then discarded.

When you ask a chinese novel reader his or her rank and they reply "Chinese Novels are trash, and so am I" because they read them. You know there addictive

sixerninerfives:Trash beyond trash most Chinese novels are

Meh not all of em some are ok and some let's not speak about it

Zayah:When you ask a chinese novel reader his or her rank and they reply "Chinese Novels are trash, and so am I" because they read them. You know there addictive


sixerninerfives:Meh not all of em some are ok and some let's not speak about it





Very sad that this ended so quickly


This book is awesome and I love it a lot. The illustration is doesn't sell it well though which is shame ot ruins the first impression.


Ah you mean the book cover? I've seen this book in so many of my recommended but I never really gave it a chance because of the book cover and name. Gave me the impression about some guy who uses a dark web to get some AI op chick. I finally gave it a try today since I got nothing else to read right now and after reading the synposis it sounds interesting and the complete opposite of my expectation so ama give this one a try lol.

SecondSea:This book is awesome and I love it a lot. The illustration is doesn't sell it well though which is shame ot ruins the first impression.

The novel was fascinating at first 20 chapters, then, I don't know what happened, but this novel lost something. So I am no more attracted over it. I might give it another try sometime, but now I'm gonna archive it.

Other Reviews

Arghhh... I don't get how people can rate this story so fucking highly. It's a highly *******ish work but the premise is interesting. But that's the only thing it's got going for it, an interesting premise. Constantly throughout the story, the author keeps repeating things about the MC, about how he's "trained on the verge of life and death and that's why he'll beat the enemy". And when I say constantly it's really no joke. It's been repeated at least 6 times in the 35 chapters I've read. Every time taking up an entire paragraph about how the enemy is so strong willed and I don't know what. The author also keeps rewarding the MC with various benefits, all with the pretext that he worked hard for it and that none his age is as hardworking as him. Stop telling me about the f**king character, stop trying hard to make me cheer for him. Show his actions, show his hard work, show his struggles, make me naturally root for him. But the author obviously can't do that because he doesn't ever let the reader think. He doesn't ever lead the reader draw his/her own conclusions and frankly, it's really boring. Overall the story just lacks effort, and it saddens me because as I said earlier the premise is really fucking good. But that tends to be a trend with web novels and the like. Good ideas, but no writing skills to act on them, resulting in a work that doesn't even qualify as a solid ******* work. There are far better web novels out there that manage to capture both a good story and good writing. So I would recommend that you don't waste your time on this one. It will only serve to aggravate you // Ya sorry my translator dude. Imma have to give you a 1-star rating in quality and stability in protest of Qidian's useless rating system. Also wtf, Qidian legit censors the word "A-M-A-T-E-U-R"

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