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LIKE1. Definitely going to be a versatile magic system. 2. Mostly wizard, but he will use physical weapons like swords, axes, spears, and other various items occasionally.
Blood_soaked_bar:Hey mate, I have questions. 1/what is the wizard system in the story Is it the generic magic or something versatile like in Harry Potter? 2/is he going to be barbarian the wizard skin or he going to be a pure wizard this wizard.
you couldn't have picked a worse magic type than Harry potter, all you need is a gun and poof. Every single wizard in that universe is dead, not chance. oh, you wanna kill me by saying avadacadavra? Well, here's a bullet instead.
Blood_soaked_bar:Hey mate, I have questions. 1/what is the wizard system in the story Is it the generic magic or something versatile like in Harry Potter? 2/is he going to be barbarian the wizard skin or he going to be a pure wizard this wizard.
When I’m speaking about Harry Potter magic I’m speaking about the versatility of it instead of the idiotic magic that someone can say fireball fireball fireball like a idiot I rather each wizard have a versatile set of different magic that he can use on his own discretion and wizard in general in the Harry Potter world are brilliant and stupid and lazy at the same time they have the innovation and the smart to make a brilliant magic but they are so stingy that they don’t share that knowledge between each other to evolve that magic even more. the magic itself is very versatile And very comprehensive. I don’t remember who says this but the magic in any other story is equal to level 100 mortal and the magic in Harry Potter is equal to level one God so you can understand the versatility and power of that magic a curse can continue for generation if not for millennia and magic that can make normal human ignore you completely. Not only that, there is magic that can keep a secret from anyone in the whole world even if you knew the secrets before if you are not permitted to know it it will remove that secret from your mind even if you are at the end of the Earth so tell me isn’t this a very powerful magic You cannot say the magic of Harry Potter is bad. The only reason that the magic in Harry Potter didn’t reach it full potential is simple and easy to understand. Most wizard still live in the middle ages we’re they tried to hide the knowledge instead of sharing and evolving that knowledge and most of the knowledge of magic gets lost in history because they didn’t share it, let’s just say the wizard in Harry Potter didn’t have the industrial revolution yet and about that one bullet don’t forget that the magic in Harry Potter doesn’t just include spells and curses there is enchanting and alchemy there is multiple different branches of magic one alchemical rope that can block bullet and you are done for not only that you can take a normal rope and enchanted and you have a bulletproof rope, so don’t jump around saying you can shoot one bullet and kill a wizard the reality of the situation is most wizard in Harry Potter. Don’t even know about guns those who didn’t go to that second world war didn’t know the gun existed so they didn’t create a spell for it. If they know believe me they will create a spell for it and don’t forget about ritual magic our lovely Voldemort is a fucking immortal if hurry, didn’t use the fang of a magical basilisk he wouldn’t be able to destroy the Horcrux so why there cannot be a ritual that will make you a bulletproof? Like a stone skin.
bobarella_1234:you couldn't have picked a worse magic type than Harry potter, all you need is a gun and poof. Every single wizard in that universe is dead, not chance. oh, you wanna kill me by saying avadacadavra? Well, here's a bullet instead.