It’s a poorly translated and edited chinese novel that has terrible dialogue and decent descriptions. You’re going to be treated like you don’t know Harry Potter as the translation goes into believing your a first time reader of it, pointing out things that are excrutiatungly simple and obvious at wvery turn.
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LIKECompare your translation in chapter 1 with this (I asked GPT to fix the story flow). Which one do you think is easier to read. [1] It was a warm June afternoon in London, with temperatures steadily climbing as summer approached. On the southern bank of the Thames stood Cheltenham College Junior School. At 4 o’clock, the school day ended, and groups of students emerged from the gates, their laughter and chatter filling the air. [2] Not far from the entrance, under the shade of a tall tree, sat Ino Swinburne. He glanced down at the dice scattered across the ground and sighed softly. "Miss Winnie, based on the divination, there's a high probability you won’t find the love you’re hoping for before graduation," he said apologetically. [3] The girl's bright, youthful face clouded with disappointment at his words. "I see… Well, thank you for the reading, Mr. Swinburne," she replied, managing a polite smile. She had expected this, it seemed, and her well-mannered upbringing prevented her from lingering on the disheartening news. Handing him a pound, she turned and walked away without further comment. [4] As her figure faded into the distance, Ino’s apologetic demeanor slipped, replaced by a knowing expression far more mature than his years. He chuckled quietly to himself. "Ah, youth..." [5] With practiced ease, he pocketed the note she’d left and carefully gathered the dice from the ground. He settled back onto his stool, ready to wait for the next client to seek his advice.
I like coherent stories, the story of Little Red Riding Hood wouldn’t be too enjoyable if you’re told her grandmothers was living out of a Chicago apartment building and a 20 year old Indiana Joans type character who’d gotten into a tussle with a bear
That literally did not happen at all did we read the same story
Are you dense or stupid, I’m not quoting the f*cking book you twat, go argue with someone else about contradictions that don’t exist if something as simple as drawing attention to how the authors translation f*cks up whatever flow and continuity previously existed is gone.
Oh I’m sorry I didn’t think your f@cken brain was so unevolved that you couldn’t understand this non college level book. You read to chapter 3 according to your review big f@cken deal. You literally gave a self created comparison that makes no sense as literally nothing like it exists in the story (like literally give me an example of your comparison in the fckn story). I am an idiot, yes, I am not afraid to say that (and I know I come off negative when I asked if we read the same I apologize about that), but at least I am godd@mn smarter than you in that i can understand this story. A story that while isnt the best at grammar and sh!t is so much better than what an ape brain like you can understand.
A story that is ever updating and so could have been made better than when you originally read it maybe even fixing the things you are so critical about. So I will reiterate, did we read the same book?
And how the f*ck does any of the sh*t your spouting relate at all to me not liking fairytales. The original comparison was how in the process of the authors translation they’ve lost the original story in creating scenarios which in context make no f*cking sense. The comparison wasn’t even mainly geared towards to story, but in relation to your original comment about how I for whatever reason finding a translated Harry Potter fanfiction lacking somehow translates to me not liking fairytales for whatever f*cking reason? As shown in how MC apparently gains life experience by being a bystander who watches sh*t happen in the other reality. This state where he’s basically a ghost has him age despite him having no physical form, at which point how the hell is he going to get into Hogwarts when he looks like a 22 year old when he’s supposed to be 11. Not to mention how the character of Hermione is stated multiple times to hate her clasmates because their stupid, yet also want to get closer to them for some unexplained reason. I don’t know if you’re high, stoned or drunk, but this entire argument makes no f*cking sense when you look at how what you’re with me about is based off of me not liking fairytales which is completely disconnected from the story.
Yes, going by the time lable by how much earlier my review was made and the time the chapter were posted (which if changes are made from it refreshes back to 0 seconds) I stand by my original review as nothing has changed. Your standards may be different to mine, but I find the translation. Which I even hesitate to call it as such and more plagiarism as the author hasn’t provided information back to the original and is profiting off of the original through patreon, as generally when you get permission from someone else to use it you credit them. Still wondering how this all connects back to me not liking fairytales