Honestly the premise of the story was interesting but there are a number of areas that the author falls short, bringing the quality of the story down. Primarily is the over reliance on exposition/info dumps that destroy the flow of story with sometimes multiple chapters on unnecessary information that the reader is forced to skim through. This is specially obvious whenever a character is introduced or their emotions are explained. The author sometimes fails the wise saying of “show, don’t tell.” As a result I’ve been forced to scroll and skip whole chapters. Which I never regret because the info I skipped is never important or brought up again. A reader should not feel like the chapter they read was worthless, specially if they are using coins or money to read them. Second reason I dropped the story was the characters. Some of them are boring and frankly uninteresting. The biggest one being the MC himself. He just honestly feels bland and forgettable. The author is inconsistent on his mental maturity, at times acting as if he is some smart calculating man and at others making him act as if he is some below average kid. The character that’s actually interesting is the sister of the MC because she feels like an actual character with a developing personality that readers can get invested in. Everyone else in the cast is mainly forgettable. Final reason, is that sometimes the setting feels uninspired. Despite being a completely different world, it just doesn’t strike as that interesting. If anything it just feels like another copy of Japan done by an author that grew up with manga and anime. There’s nothing wrong with a setting in Japan, but either just fully make it Japan, or give a reason for their similarities. A lot of authors fail when they try make their stories be just like their favorite anime or manga, which at times I felt this story was trying to be a more higher fantasy jujutsu kaisen combined with demon slayer. I think as the author keeps writing more and bettering his craft, they can make a great story. However at this time, this story does not stand out.
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