Although I don’t do this often I’m gonna give a review on this beofre actually reading it. Now I know “oh my god npc review” “this is obviously fake blah blah blah” just no shhhhh be quiet. I personally have trust in this author I know a lot of people dropped his other story I however steeled my heart and kept on reading, and well I don’t regret it one bit. Throughout that story the author has showcased his ability to make a fun compelling action packed story. I’d expect nothing less from this either which is the reason I’m giving a review before reading. I’ll wait for more chapters before starting because I’m not patient when it comes to stories with low chapters XD, however I’ll comment under this in the future how I find the story.
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LIKEWhich is why I said I don’t do it often, I rarely ever review books never mind reviewing one before reading. However I stick by what I said, his other book is at chapter 260 and hasn’t dissapointed me so I feel comfortable writing it before reading. However maybe you’re right,and the book isn’t good. If I don’t like it when I read it in the future then this review will be deleted.