The grammer is good. MC is a hipocrit and a psychopath. He is angry about having been treated wrong but does the exact same thing (even worse in my opinion). If you want to write a story were your character finds inner peace by accepting that he shall kill anything out of spite than by all means do so just use the appropriate tags like #VillainMC #DelusionalMC #PsychopathicMC #EvilMC
Liked by 49 people
LIKEThat is literally not the character at all yet you left a 2 star review. The only people he killed were the guards guarding his prison who belittled him for 20yrs while locked up and wubao who challenged him to duel to the death. You just lied as an excuse leave a bad review weirdo. So far he's killed significantly less than the furious four when they held off an army. Why lie?
Yeah, that kinda was my point. Him killing the guards I mean. Sure they didn't treat him right but common, do you kill anybody for insulting you? It maybe wasn't stated in the movies but for all they know he is the most dangerous prisoner/villain they ever had. So not treating him properly can be attributed to that. While him killing them given the chance proves what they fought him to be.
On further note I already dropped. Hardly remember the plot so maybe there is an explanation later on. At the time I justed wanted to vent my frustation about the (in my opinion) Evil MC who was supposed to be Anti-Villain.
I dont know, he keeps going around and brutalizing people for doing their jobs. He is acting pretty evil, then he turns around and says im not evil. The character is definitely not a good guy, just tai lung but psychopathic
I am sad now was going to read then you had to say he was not evil
Эм а ты смешной Тай Лунг буквально персонаж чей потенциал настолько огромен что тот По устаует ему и единственная проблема было в том что он бы затмил По, ТайЛунга обучали как война, он буквально всегда одерживал победу над всеми врагами, Угвей и Гифу должны были обучить его тому что проигрыш это не конец а возможность встать и стать еще сильней, где Гг психопат и злодей? он мог буквально убить всех жителей Нефритового дворца но нет он принял их как учеников и друзей занимается обучением других и саморазвитием своим, или по твоему то что он не хочет стать ступенькой для возвышения По это плохо? Гг хочет вырваться из под контроля судьбы он хочет сам решать кем он будет, читай внимательно по мне самая важная фраза Тайлунга, я ТайЛунг ощущение что он посылает мир и вселенную говоря что его судьба только в его руках и он не будет марионеткой вселенной
The first half of your answer doesn't really have anything to do with my criticism, neither his strength nor his potential were ever in question. To the next point. We don't know if he has killed in the past. all we know is that he attacked the village. But assuming he didn't actually kill anyone, that's no reason to honor him for it, simply because killing is only an option in extreme cases and not: hey, they annoy me but I'm nice and don't kill them for it. that he takes on a role as a teacher to others is also never said. I agree with your last point, nobody wants to be a puppet. It's just the way he secures this freedom, for lack of a better word, that rubs me the wrong way. Translated from german via Deepl
If what you said is true, he is probably acting in bad faith.