2024-01-21 21:14

— Translation quality: ⭐️⭐️ — Updating stability: ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ — Story development: ⭐️ — Character desing: ⭐️ —World background: ⭐️ ( why is fanfic). Thanks for the your work, translator. But the story is... very chinese, stranger, stupid and messy. The protagonist is autistic or suffers from a mental illness, since his unpredictable and psychotic behavior is totally inexplicable, which does nothing to help build or identify with his character. Maybe the fact that he was Asian in his other life is what makes him seem mentally ill and a danger to others.

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Waouh.. the thing you say is very racist. Do you know?


huh the uncanny valley of racism


And disability based discrimination to top it off! Truly a wonderful review don't you agree.

MrSimo:huh the uncanny valley of racism

The Chinese are disabled. The call themselves communist , but live in a capilist dictatorship. If that's not mental retardation idk what is.


Dude you need to learn what Capitalism and Communism actually are before you say something like that to the wrong person. Capitalism is all about free enterprise. Communism is great in theory as everyone is equal but as long is there is a government Communism wouldn’t work and it can’t work without a government either making it null and void. What’s more in communist nations their policy is “Everyone is equal, except me I am more equal than you because I am your leader.”

Chaddts:The Chinese are disabled. The call themselves communist , but live in a capilist dictatorship. If that's not mental retardation idk what is.

People aren't equal. Communism takes from some to give to others. This is how Communism equalises.

007yaboi:Dude you need to learn what Capitalism and Communism actually are before you say something like that to the wrong person. Capitalism is all about free enterprise. Communism is great in theory as everyone is equal but as long is there is a government Communism wouldn’t work and it can’t work without a government either making it null and void. What’s more in communist nations their policy is “Everyone is equal, except me I am more equal than you because I am your leader.”

Original name?


just like every chinese novel set in modern day quite frankly u can't find a singe chinese novel that is set in modern day that is not heavily racist to black people or any place that is not china cause "China numba one". not to say that there are no good chinese novels but you have to look at fantasy ones that take place on a place that is not earth otherwise you will be blasted with chinese propaganda and how it is superior to every other country that exists or will ever exist

MrSimo:huh the uncanny valley of racism

Even in some Chinese novels set in other worlds and where the protagonist is reincarnated from Earth, you can find gratuitous racist remarks that come out of nowhere!

YO_TENGO_MAN:just like every chinese novel set in modern day quite frankly u can't find a singe chinese novel that is set in modern day that is not heavily racist to black people or any place that is not china cause "China numba one". not to say that there are no good chinese novels but you have to look at fantasy ones that take place on a place that is not earth otherwise you will be blasted with chinese propaganda and how it is superior to every other country that exists or will ever exist
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