Only read chapter 1, mc practically admitted that their(the characters) existence is a mere game. Anybody with a common sense would not do that.
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LIKEcommon sense aint common in another world. correction. another reality. you're too narrow-minded. fiction stories are literally your only source for what would be considered "common sense." which makes no sense. lol you don't know whats at the bottom of the ocean 🤣 😅 😂 stop acting like you're the authority on what makes sense when you live a second life. you guys are hilarious 🤣
He ain't wrong though? in the first place why would you even mentioned that they are just a Fictional character that are made to satisfy the human satisfaction? no sane person would do that, And even if you did then what would you get? basically nothing. so yes it's a common sense to keep the information by yourself and use it to however you want than to let them know they are just a character
did you actually read the novel or what, the author no the MC had his reason and they make sense, like why would you even listen to the guy who left at the first chapter because he didnt like One thing.
Come on guys, the prologue of the story is the marketing of the story itself. I mean if I'm going to buy food and the packaging/logo isn't attractive, I won't touch the food
there are actually some counterpart/rip offs that are not only cheaper but also more delicious or plentyful than the original product, also i eat something after confirming its safe and then i judge it for what it is and not how it looks, in the place where i live in we have this really ugly looking food that looks like it came out of a blank but despite that it still tastes really great. maybe its just cause of how differently we were raised that our outlook on things are so different, you judge things on appearances while i judge things for what it is?
ok now that i have said it i dont think i should continue, admitting this and telling you my county of origin would be like shaming it, so im sorry but i cant tell you what the food is or even where i am.
idk how about the fact the Whole entire story is about a Sister and a brother from another world try to find each other? if I'm not mistaken and everyone knows their from another world dubbed "Traveler" and they happen quite often too? now telling them it's a game? that's a bit different I'll admit