The story is overly complicated and frustrating. I don't understand why the author keeps complicating the protagonist's second life. If his first life was terrible, his second life should be about him just steamrolling over everyone. Instead, we have a mysterious family background, unexplained mysterious characters, and the MC making stupid decisions like not using his slave seal on everyone. What is the point of the novel? Just see mc going trough all the shit again? if that's the case we could just read his 1 life. Many elements are confusing, especially since each chapter includes flashbacks from different characters without clearly indicating the timeline. Moreover, most of the heroines are portrayed as -1000 IQ. I understand the concept of fate/plot armor, but the execution here is excessive and disappointing. P.S: most of the time, the MC's plans are confusing and lack clarity. The author doesn't adequately explain the main character's thoughts and motivations, which forces readers to piece things together without having all the necessary information. This often makes the protagonist's actions seem utterly foolish because we can't fully understand why they are doing what they're doing.
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