liked it until the whole india thing. marvel is centered in the usa its made like that for a reason. novels that try to change that bother me.
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LIKEHahaha. That's funny... Oh, you were being serious. You understand that there is a reason why Marvel comics makes an effort to make international characters: both heroes and villains, even cosmic beings originating from Greek or Japanese mythology? it is so that the world feels complete and lived in, so that it doesn't feel like all the action is happening in only one part of the world. Well, the revenue from an international audience helps a lot too.
thats not what i meant. i dont mind international characters i just dislike when the novel becomes indian centric, or chiense centric., if we're talking honestly im a muslim and i genually dispise those places cause of what they have done to my fellow brothers and sisters. never said the story is bad its just preference. i hate those countries so i dont like novels that put em front and center.
Dont make your comment sound so righteous, acting like you think marvel stories are better based in the US, when in reality, your just being xenophobic.
welp cool guy we can agree that we hate each other and be cool.