I do not plan to insult or offend anyone, it is my opinion of the novel.
The novel has potential, a good development of the world and a clear level of power developed.
And there my good opinion remains, the characters feel stupid, especially the mc, to begin with he seems to doubt life at all times, he never thinks about things and does everything on "impulse", until now he has not done anything thinking , from the beginning to the current chapter, he has been told that his ex-girlfriend is alive, which is the main and only reason why he transmigrated, but until now he has not done anything to find out her whereabouts, consult with his system, goddess or not even investigate or try to find it, another example is that of the mc leaving his position as heir to the duke, there is no logic or real reasons behind that, the mc knows that they are going to remove him from his position, and for that reason he resigns a month before When he could try not to remove him, taking advantage of all the resources that the heir to Duke would have, and also ignoring his sister's clear affection for him.
Another issue is the mc taking it all as a game after almost dying 2 times in a row and experiencing a death.
I'll leave it there, but the more you advance, the more stupid the mc is doing.