
Review Detail of Evil_Paragon in Vice Captain of the Straw Hat Pirates

Review detail


After reading a few comments today, it made me realize something. Sorry, but this story is not for you. It doesn't matter whether you read it or not. I don't care if you drop it. All I want to say is that I write this story because I love One Piece. And, I am writing fanfiction. If you don't like the idea then you can easily drop it and clear it from your library. But those who like it should stay whether it is the best moment of the story or the worst moment of the story. Because every moment matters. So, I am going to delete any kind of review if you just give it based on your feelings rather than understanding the story. Because I don't believe that if you understand the story or are willing to wait for more to understand it better then you wouldn't remove a star unless it is for writing quality. I can assure you that.

Vice Captain of the Straw Hat Pirates


Liked by 57 people




I checked your profile and it seems you are a very bad person, you only write offensive things in any novel, I haven't seen a positive comment from you or a valid review, not to mention your spaws in this fanfic, it seems like you care so much about this story that you make a comment on every new chapter, really pathetic.

Eurynomos:You wouldn't delete reviews if you don't care. Keep pretending, lol. You only seem more and more like a clown every time you justify your idiocy.

You're deleting low star reviews that aren't spam, but valid multi-paragraph criticisms directed at your fanfic. Do you know what that means, clown?


Keep hiding reviews. It will stack up even if people don't see it, and 20+ 1stars will cripple any chance of your trashfic from recovering review-wise. Not to mention your credibility as an author, seeing how this would inevitably low stars despite it only having 5 star reviews. Good job, clown.


Desperate ramblings of a very insecure man. So pathetic.


No he just said that he is deleted rewiews of people base on feeling Not criticism

The content has been deleted

Sorry not for me


Author -san is this your original fanfiction or a translation??



Azathoth2:Author -san is this your original fanfiction or a translation??

Ooo Thank you for answering 😉 I have seen a one piece fanfiction of the same name So I thought this was a translation and sorry if I offered you😔 One more question:- #noharem or #harem??


That I can not answer

Azathoth2:Ooo Thank you for answering 😉 I have seen a one piece fanfiction of the same name So I thought this was a translation and sorry if I offered you😔 One more question:- #noharem or #harem??

man i wanted to read it but your sense of weight is god awful. either you are the weakest person on earth or you dont understand weights at all. I dont understand how you could mess up one aspect so bad it actually destroys the book


I support you :)


I've done my review, whether it's deleted or not, I don't care anymore. I was closing the story tab when I saw this Author comment. Learn to accept criticism, erase negative reviews and make excuses that you don't accept ratings based on feelings is so pathetic.


Look, I write my story as I want. I am not going to mold it just because others have opinion on it. Stay if you like it, leave if you don't. I really don't care.

Adelmo_Silva:I've done my review, whether it's deleted or not, I don't care anymore. I was closing the story tab when I saw this Author comment. Learn to accept criticism, erase negative reviews and make excuses that you don't accept ratings based on feelings is so pathetic.

You wouldn't delete reviews if you don't care. Keep pretending, lol. You only seem more and more like a clown every time you justify your idiocy.

Evil_Paragon:Look, I write my story as I want. I am not going to mold it just because others have opinion on it. Stay if you like it, leave if you don't. I really don't care.

What if I dedicate 2 minutes of my free time to comment "bAd sTuFf" on this novel? Making people see how garbage this author and his work is, is an easy side quest when I'm already checking on the books on my collection anyway. You act like clicking content and writing few sentences is hard, as if you yourself has a hard time doing the most mundane of tasks, you braindead moose.

Allfheim:I checked your profile and it seems you are a very bad person, you only write offensive things in any novel, I haven't seen a positive comment from you or a valid review, not to mention your spaws in this fanfic, it seems like you care so much about this story that you make a comment on every new chapter, really pathetic.

Your keyboard must have a problem, I can only read "mimimimi..."

Eurynomos:What if I dedicate 2 minutes of my free time to comment "bAd sTuFf" on this novel? Making people see how garbage this author and his work is, is an easy side quest when I'm already checking on the books on my collection anyway. You act like clicking content and writing few sentences is hard, as if you yourself has a hard time doing the most mundane of tasks, you braindead moose.


Evil_Paragon:That I can not answer

Isn't it your head that's the problem because I can read it just fine.

Allfheim:Your keyboard must have a problem, I can only read "mimimimi..."

You're just proving how much of a retard you are

Allfheim:Your keyboard must have a problem, I can only read "mimimimi..."