Shameless 1 star review here. This author has lied to all of us. He promised us a harem, but I have read 1 chapter and there is no harem. How dare he? I was promised a harem and a system─both are clearly not here. I have no idea why the story is called System for Dummies, when there is not even a system in the first 2 chapters... this is literally a scam. The author is a scammer. I will only rate more if you add more members to his Harem. Please author post more chapters.
Liked by 29 people
LIKESo, you basically decided to change the plot of your novel out of spite. I can't tell if this is genius or idiocy, but it's a hilarious reason all the same
Whether or not its either of the two I can not tell, but mainly I have always wanted to write a parody about all the trends that currently plague the stories of WN. Furthermore, I do not think I would be able to write a believable harem, even if I tried to. Well, anyhow be it smart or dumb─It had been quite fun to write this story. Thanks for the message in this desolate wasteland of my novel's comment section.