Man how did I get here? Well definitely not because I asked to do this. I definitely don't speak to the author on a social media app, what gives you that idea? I wonder how people will see this, considering only high IQ people can read it. Oh well. So I read one word, literally one, and told myself this was the best book ever. This isn't up for debate, it is the best book ever. The author is right, who needs a book with interesting characters, a good plot, an amazing writing style, and great world building if you could just slap a big busty elf on the cover and get 100+ collections immediately. Even though a rack have a horrible effect on the back, though anime will never teach you that. Speaking of which, why is there so much fanservice in anime? All those up skirt shots and really odd zoom ins on the female character's chest make me wonder what I'm watching. Has it ever rubbed you the wrong way that these are teenagers being drawn by adult men? Have fun thinking about that while you watch the next episode of "generic mc gets a harem out of nowhere." Speaking of harem, I've never understood them. It's mentally, emotionally, financially exhausting to keep up with more than one woman. Harems are only existing in the bedroom, but in any other category, it's a nightmare. Sure, 13 year old boys won't see anything wrong with it, but that's the magic of growing up. Speaking of growing up, has anyone ever realized the double standards in anime? A female tsundere can hit her love interest all she wants and people find it cute, but if a dude did it, then it's a problem. I've seriously never understood how this is considered cute and wholesome. Oh right...the book. It's good, everyone should ditch the book they're currently reading and read this one. I love you author, please marry me UwU.
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