Slave. MC is an actual slave in many ways. The title is more literal than you would think. MC is barely an MC. He is more like a sidekick, We are reading a story form the sidekicks perspective, sure he is a bit devious and special, but in the end he is a slave. Wasted a lot of time reading this in hopes that it improves, in the end, it only gets worse, and MC becomes a bigger slave. The overall quality and everything else is great, too bad that the MC is a bit too pathetic.
Liked by 188 people
LIKEI agree. It was quite fresh at the beginning, but after that it got stale.
Yeah, "cba" because you don't actually have good examples. You're just salty MC didn't turn out to be a carbon copy of the countless other MC's who randomly become op with bs power scaling, and are also apathetic and cold Gary Stu-esque characters (a Gary Sue character is the male version of a Mary Sue character. One that is unrealistically free of any weaknesses and is perfect). If you have any actual examples instead of "cba" feel free to prove me wrong.
Your description fits Nephis actually. She is "unrealistically free of weaknesses." Unfortunately Sunny will have to be OP just to keep up. The entire second nightmare proves you wrong. Nephis makes all the decisions and defeats the bosses, while Sunny becomes a side character.
You're not wrong. She's such an empty cancer to this entire story while providing no value to the experience. They don't have a relationship: the vast majority of their "conversations" is Sunny talking in his head and Nephis staring blankly into space. She doesn't fit symbolically... a star doesn't cast shade, the object in front of the star does. She is going to break the system as all good Narutos do while Sunny will shadow her. Such a bore really but could have been great. Oh well, still one of the best on webnovel.
Yeah, Nephis is kind of robotic. Maybe she stares into space to preserve her batteries? 😀 Shadow slave is better than most novels, but that doesn't say much. I'm tired of choosing between mindless simp or scheming psychopath type protagonists. Garden of The Abyss looked promising, until the author stopped updating it.. (I have nothing to read now.) GOTA has very powerful side characters, however they're older and develop separately from the protagonist. The MC also calls the shots and does his own thing, so it works out fine.
what is worse he did nothing to cassie. anyway what is gota?
are you sure you aren't the authors bot.....based on your profile I think so
Spent a hour reading and then it meantion his perk that it someone lnow his true name he wil actually become a slave i am gratefu for you as you are one of the only people that actually explained so i dont have to waste anymore of my time
Didnt expect mc being a sidekick and some1 elses slave. not every title should be taken literally. As I said it was refreshing for a while.
didn't expect him to be a slave when it's called "shadow slave" ? him trying to escape his faith is a central part of this work. also he is not a sidekick, it's a weak to strong story where the author does an excellent job at flushing character's strength/growth. what you are complaining about is exactly what makes this story a masterpiece. the author is consistent in leveraging characters strength and affinity (based on their powers), shadow being mystery/deceit type of power. this is not dumb mc who steamroll everything due to plot. if you want a simple wish fulfillment story go read emperor domination.
why you repeat the same point that I already explained? Can't you read? If you think MC is not a sidekick then I can't help you.
The weak to strong progression is not the issue. Readers didn't expect him to become a willing slave.