2022-07-06 02:14

Slave. MC is an actual slave in many ways. The title is more literal than you would think. MC is barely an MC. He is more like a sidekick, We are reading a story form the sidekicks perspective, sure he is a bit devious and special, but in the end he is a slave. Wasted a lot of time reading this in hopes that it improves, in the end, it only gets worse, and MC becomes a bigger slave. The overall quality and everything else is great, too bad that the MC is a bit too pathetic.

Liked by 188 people


Explain, give examples?



Trash_Mix:Explain, give examples?

This is true if we're reading with an expectation for heroic fantasy. This isn't great for people that want a story about power gains. While it has power gains, it's not really the point. It's like going to a sushi restaurant when all you want is a cheeseburger.


tbh I find it quite nice to not have to read the 100th novel about literally the exact same mc who does almost the exact same thing as every other novel out there. Sometimes in order to read something unique you have to accept it wont cater to your every demand.


I agree. It was quite fresh at the beginning, but after that it got stale.

Cartheon:tbh I find it quite nice to not have to read the 100th novel about literally the exact same mc who does almost the exact same thing as every other novel out there. Sometimes in order to read something unique you have to accept it wont cater to your every demand.

Yeah, "cba" because you don't actually have good examples. You're just salty MC didn't turn out to be a carbon copy of the countless other MC's who randomly become op with bs power scaling, and are also apathetic and cold Gary Stu-esque characters (a Gary Sue character is the male version of a Mary Sue character. One that is unrealistically free of any weaknesses and is perfect). If you have any actual examples instead of "cba" feel free to prove me wrong.


Your description fits Nephis actually. She is "unrealistically free of weaknesses." Unfortunately Sunny will have to be OP just to keep up. The entire second nightmare proves you wrong. Nephis makes all the decisions and defeats the bosses, while Sunny becomes a side character.

Bad_At:Yeah, "cba" because you don't actually have good examples. You're just salty MC didn't turn out to be a carbon copy of the countless other MC's who randomly become op with bs power scaling, and are also apathetic and cold Gary Stu-esque characters (a Gary Sue character is the male version of a Mary Sue character. One that is unrealistically free of any weaknesses and is perfect). If you have any actual examples instead of "cba" feel free to prove me wrong.

You're not wrong. She's such an empty cancer to this entire story while providing no value to the experience. They don't have a relationship: the vast majority of their "conversations" is Sunny talking in his head and Nephis staring blankly into space. She doesn't fit symbolically... a star doesn't cast shade, the object in front of the star does. She is going to break the system as all good Narutos do while Sunny will shadow her. Such a bore really but could have been great. Oh well, still one of the best on webnovel.

L_Poren:Your description fits Nephis actually. She is "unrealistically free of weaknesses." Unfortunately Sunny will have to be OP just to keep up. The entire second nightmare proves you wrong. Nephis makes all the decisions and defeats the bosses, while Sunny becomes a side character.

Yeah, Nephis is kind of robotic. Maybe she stares into space to preserve her batteries? 😀 Shadow slave is better than most novels, but that doesn't say much. I'm tired of choosing between mindless simp or scheming psychopath type protagonists. Garden of The Abyss looked promising, until the author stopped updating it.. (I have nothing to read now.) GOTA has very powerful side characters, however they're older and develop separately from the protagonist. The MC also calls the shots and does his own thing, so it works out fine.

Atomsphere:You're not wrong. She's such an empty cancer to this entire story while providing no value to the experience. They don't have a relationship: the vast majority of their "conversations" is Sunny talking in his head and Nephis staring blankly into space. She doesn't fit symbolically... a star doesn't cast shade, the object in front of the star does. She is going to break the system as all good Narutos do while Sunny will shadow her. Such a bore really but could have been great. Oh well, still one of the best on webnovel.

what is worse he did nothing to cassie. anyway what is gota?

L_Poren:Yeah, Nephis is kind of robotic. Maybe she stares into space to preserve her batteries? 😀 Shadow slave is better than most novels, but that doesn't say much. I'm tired of choosing between mindless simp or scheming psychopath type protagonists. Garden of The Abyss looked promising, until the author stopped updating it.. (I have nothing to read now.) GOTA has very powerful side characters, however they're older and develop separately from the protagonist. The MC also calls the shots and does his own thing, so it works out fine.

GOTA is Garden of The Abyss. Great novel but it was updated about a month ago.. Yea, I dropped Shadow Slave. What else you reading these days?

v_nolan:what is worse he did nothing to cassie. anyway what is gota?

are you sure you aren't the authors bot.....based on your profile I think so

Bad_At:Yeah, "cba" because you don't actually have good examples. You're just salty MC didn't turn out to be a carbon copy of the countless other MC's who randomly become op with bs power scaling, and are also apathetic and cold Gary Stu-esque characters (a Gary Sue character is the male version of a Mary Sue character. One that is unrealistically free of any weaknesses and is perfect). If you have any actual examples instead of "cba" feel free to prove me wrong.

can confirm the author does not speak like an angry child in his novel reviews

say_rahh:are you sure you aren't the authors bot.....based on your profile I think so

that's a good point

Teddy_910:can confirm the author does not speak like an angry child in his novel reviews

Spent a hour reading and then it meantion his perk that it someone lnow his true name he wil actually become a slave i am gratefu for you as you are one of the only people that actually explained so i dont have to waste anymore of my time

Atomsphere:You're not wrong. She's such an empty cancer to this entire story while providing no value to the experience. They don't have a relationship: the vast majority of their "conversations" is Sunny talking in his head and Nephis staring blankly into space. She doesn't fit symbolically... a star doesn't cast shade, the object in front of the star does. She is going to break the system as all good Narutos do while Sunny will shadow her. Such a bore really but could have been great. Oh well, still one of the best on webnovel.

what did you expect from a novel called "shadow slave". it's refreshing that the author is writing about such a mc. there are tons of generic stories with copy/paste plot/mc. This is not one of them.


Didnt expect mc being a sidekick and some1 elses slave. not every title should be taken literally. As I said it was refreshing for a while.

lordseven:what did you expect from a novel called "shadow slave". it's refreshing that the author is writing about such a mc. there are tons of generic stories with copy/paste plot/mc. This is not one of them.

didn't expect him to be a slave when it's called "shadow slave" ? him trying to escape his faith is a central part of this work. also he is not a sidekick, it's a weak to strong story where the author does an excellent job at flushing character's strength/growth. what you are complaining about is exactly what makes this story a masterpiece. the author is consistent in leveraging characters strength and affinity (based on their powers), shadow being mystery/deceit type of power. this is not dumb mc who steamroll everything due to plot. if you want a simple wish fulfillment story go read emperor domination.

BrabbitX:Didnt expect mc being a sidekick and some1 elses slave. not every title should be taken literally. As I said it was refreshing for a while.

why you repeat the same point that I already explained? Can't you read? If you think MC is not a sidekick then I can't help you.

lordseven:didn't expect him to be a slave when it's called "shadow slave" ? him trying to escape his faith is a central part of this work. also he is not a sidekick, it's a weak to strong story where the author does an excellent job at flushing character's strength/growth. what you are complaining about is exactly what makes this story a masterpiece. the author is consistent in leveraging characters strength and affinity (based on their powers), shadow being mystery/deceit type of power. this is not dumb mc who steamroll everything due to plot. if you want a simple wish fulfillment story go read emperor domination.

The weak to strong progression is not the issue. Readers didn't expect him to become a willing slave.

lordseven:didn't expect him to be a slave when it's called "shadow slave" ? him trying to escape his faith is a central part of this work. also he is not a sidekick, it's a weak to strong story where the author does an excellent job at flushing character's strength/growth. what you are complaining about is exactly what makes this story a masterpiece. the author is consistent in leveraging characters strength and affinity (based on their powers), shadow being mystery/deceit type of power. this is not dumb mc who steamroll everything due to plot. if you want a simple wish fulfillment story go read emperor domination.
Other Reviews

Shameless author here :) Writing a review for your own book is not easy, so I'll just say a few things. Also, if you have any questions about the novel, you can leave them in the comments! - "First of all, what is this book about?" It's about a guy named Sunny who lives in a dystopian future where some people are forced to periodically visit a magical world and battle terrible monsters. If they survive, they receive special powers. - "What type of guy is Sunny?" He is a cynical, disillusioned young man with a bleak outlook on life. But! He has a sense of humor and a strong desire to not only survive but also thrive in this world. You'll like him, I promise. - "Will he be overpowered?" Not really. He will certainly become powerful, but not powerful enough to steamroll over his enemies. Every victory Sunny achieves will be won with cunning, hard work, and skill. So, more of a Dark Souls type of situation. - "Will there be romance?" Yes, but a slow one. - "Romance, you say! So... a harem? There is a harem, right?" Not really. Sunny will be surrounded by a lot of beautiful people, both male a female, but he will probably only have one romantic relationship. Uh... one at a time, at least. We'll see! - "How often are you updating?" Currently, I'm dedicated to writing one chapter every day. The amount may increase in the future, but it depends on a lot of factors. - And, finally... "Aren't you too full of yourself? You rated your book five stars!" What can I say, it's a great book. One of the best books I've ever written! I've only written one other book, but still. It's definitely one of the top two best books I've written in my life. If you don't believe me, check for yourself ;)


Over my course of reading novels for years I have to say this is by far one of if not the best novel I've ever read. The plot, background, and characters are original following NO cliches, they are utterly amazing and brings a new concept to magic and powers. The character in no way feel one dimensional and all feel like living, breathing characters. The main character is relatable but at the same time not as we are not in his situation. The MC has a brain and uses it yet actually has emotions even though at first he seems kind of cruel which was pretty cool also. MC is not OP but also not weak and uses his intelligence to defeat his obstacles including the greatest one, his flaw. Flaws an amazing system the author made to show some kind of downside of getting powers besides the obvious risk of death in a nightmare. At first I was unconvinced by the flaws importance to the novel and felt something were forced for about... 1 chapter. The chapter after I immediately realized the importance of the flaw and how satisfying it was to see him shape what he says in a way that doesnt break the rules of his flaw. Him outsmarting others even while under a flaw is the most satisfying thing ever. Personally, I abhore any romance in novels, mainly because its a reminder of my loneliness and it is usually forced or stupid, however even though they havent yet, there are moments, and I will genuinely stab my eyes out if the MC and Changing Star don't hook up, perfect webnovel couple. The grammar is impeccable, not sure about updating stability because I just read it all in one go. Background is detailed without being too much exposition, and is ORIGINAL and actually very interesting. Especially the authors way of utilizing prophecies which I cant go to far into because of spoiling. But the prophecy seemed well though out, had me wishing for a explanation, and honestly cant complain. All in all this novel is the one true gem of webnovel and should make all the other trash bow down and delete itself. I am now going to donate power stones every day. Please give this novel a chance, while its a little slow at first, after a few chapters it will not dissapoint. Especially the comedy, its actually funny. Author, never give up on this novel or I will hunt you down and make you continue writing. This feels like it has been written by a famous author.


Hey there folks, Griffin here. Resident music composer, game developer, and occasional enjoyer of good books. I’m here to give a COMPLETELY UNBIASED review of Shadow Slave, written by a good buddy of mine named Guiltythree. Before getting into an actual review, I’d like to start by saying that my absolute favorite part of this piece of literature, beyond the awesome story, is the community surrounding it. The Shadow Slave discord server is one of the few online spaces I have been a been active in that truly makes me feel like I’m part of a family. And that isn’t just because I recently found out that I’m long lost cousins with the one of the lead moderators (true story, shout out NobleQueenBee 😂). Never have I been a part of a community so active, engaged, non-toxic, respectful and loving. I cannot recommend enough that you join the server if you end up reading this wonderful webnovel. Speaking of which, it’s probably time I start talking about the actual novel. I’ll split the review up into 4 simple categories: Characters, World Building, Power System, and Story. —————— Characters: —————— If you’re looking for a generic overpowered protagonist who crushes every obstacle in his way, you came to the wrong place. And while those types of characters can be fun to read, they often lack the depth and complexity that makes a character feel truely *real*. Sunless, the main character of this story, is a flawed and realistic human being. His thoughts are as realistic as his approach to problems; I find myself often thinking that I would make very similar decisions if put in similar situations. His weaknesses push him to work harder. Every challenge he faces is an opportunity to learn. Instead of steamrolling every encounter, Sunny is almost always facing an uphill battle. Through hard work, quick thinking, and sometimes sheer luck, he just might be able to come out on top. That isn’t to say Sunny never gets his time to shine, there are quite a few memorable power fantasy moments. But through and through, Sunny’s dark humor, wholesomely pessimistic nature, and Tsundere complexion make his perspective an absolute joy to read. Beyond it’s protagonist, Shadow Slave is overflowing with unique and loveable characters. Guiltythree brings so much life to the cast of this novel that even the villains are captivating. Even the points of the story where I would be bored if I was reading any other novel are made to be intimate and refreshing through the carefully crafted complex characters that Guilty has introduced us to. A simple dinner conversation between old friends demands as much of my attention as a climactic battle, simply because you grow to cherrish every single one of cast members. They feel like real people I have met and befriended. —————— World Building —————— The world of Shadow Slave, similar to Guilty’s other novel, is a gritty and realistic dystopia. Flashy elements of fantasy and sci fi collide and serve to distract the reader from the grim reality behind the scenes. At the forefront of your attention are the awakened individuals, people walking around with super powers, fighting with metal armor, bows and swords to defend the citizens from the Nightmare Creature threat. But as much as the government propaganda would like you to believe in these real-life heros, they are just as shady as any human society can be. There are starving orphans on the edges of the city, sweatshop labor conditions for factory workers, the climate and weather has become polluted to the point of lethality, and there is the ever-present lovecraftian threat of the Nightnare Spell. And yet, as dangerous as this world Guilty has crafted truly is, I can’t help but wish I could experience it for real. Every bit of lore surrounding the dream world is intriguing. I’m a sucker for stories involving ancient history, civilizations, and dark forces. If you are as well, without spoiling anything, you will LOVE the incredibly unique and mysterious world of Shadow Slave. —————— Power System —————— Many power systems in other novels and stories suffer from a lack of balance. What I believe sets apart the system Guilty has created here is the unique aspects and flaws that make this power system unlike any story I’ve ever read but also keep it in a healthy balance. While in the world of shadow slave, people can fly, run at superhuman speeds, teleport, heal injuries and set enemies on fire, each ability comes with its own unique flaw. This system keeps combat interesting while maintaining a sense of equality. While some abilities might be more powerful or flashy than others, their flaw could be just as debilitating. Because of this, every new enemy is unique and interesting. A challenge of strength, but also of mind as Sunny tries to decipher what their flaw or weakness might be while limiting his own. I believe the power system in this novel is just one more thing that sets it apart from every other story in the genre. —————— Story —————— The plot of Shadow Slave , if it could be described with just one sentence, is a coming-of-age story hidden in the packaging of a dark action thriller. In the middle of Sunny learning to combat various unimaginable abominations, he is also an abandoned hermit learning how to make friends. While he struggles with the grim reality of betrayal he also learns what it means to truly trust the people that matter to him. His life lessons and relationships become just as interesting as his action-packed encounters with dead gods and horrifying demons. While you as a reader follow his path to power, you also get to watch him grow into a loveable and relatable character, facing many issues you may have also struggled with. Ultimately, Shadow Slave is an exciting and captivating story that keeps me unlocking chapters the minute they are released. Guiltythree is an incredible author and wonderful human being that I am proud to call my friend. I cannot wait to see what he has planned and I will be right here excited to read each new chapter that he writes. I hope you, the person reading this review, decide to join me and the thousands of other people doing the same. Peace and Love, Griffin (SkeuZ) Tyler

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