I’ll start by saying that what I read seems well written for the most part I rated the book low because There wasn’t a review pointing out a few items that I think are important. One of the auxiliary chapters talks about alignments, I got to chapter 42 and the MC seems closer to neutral evil to me as opposed to Chaotic Neutral. The MC seemed quite pleased with the despair exhibited by a character when she found food missing. Everything from the bait to the trap to me points to evil. Some people like evil MCs but I don’t, I can get behind the actions from the prologue but both interactions the MC had with people don’t seem neutral to me. Reminds me of a character from elsewhere, a great healer but while healing she would activate the pain receptors in her patients as she liked causing pain and it was her price for the healing. Obviously she was an antagonist.
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LIKEThanks for your review. Fair enough. Well, I understand your point. However MC is not Evil Aligned because of a particular element required by the System before he can be deemed as such. Once that element is fulfilled, his Alignment changes. And yes, it gets fulfilled in the later chapters, even when the MC tries to avoid it. Sorry about the whole thing. Haha 😂
Makes sense I suppose that he was an action away from changing alignments reminds me of the YouTube videos where they take an interesting character and plop them at a starting alignment and move the needle on major descisions. Though to be fair I’ have been fine with MC doing unspeakable things to his childhood bully.
He did...