started off good. i have no problem with and OP MC. But the meeting with Rosalie felt forced and totally unrealistic. Then when then did meet it was a whimper not a bang that started thier relationship. no passion or feeling. just hey we got a bond and shes like okay well be together forever. no passion no feeling no meet cute. nothing. then you surround the most robotic couple in the world with nothing but giant A hole robots in the form of the cullens. they are all one note you rarely ever mention whose talking so. it takes a while to even realize that edward has a sister or that Emmett is even there. not only that but she isnt even freaking out when hes crippled. then you brutalized a character for seemingly small slights that make little sense and have no real outward effect on the MC i mean at that point just kill him and be done with it. my opinion this is the author wanting to rip the story of twilight apart and NOT tell his own story with twilight as the background. if you didnt like any of the characters but a few how bout just DONT do a twilight fanfic.
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