For those that haven't read this novel or haven't read past Chapter 474 please don't read my review as to ruin your read through the book as it will contain spoilers as tagged (I know sometimes the spoiler tag isn't enough out of my own experience). If you are reading this regardless of the warning or aren't spoiled by this then don't expect to much structure in this review as I will mostly just write what I think. I will try to keep it as structured as possible and chronologically write more but no promises. I like to think that my english is pretty good but as a nonnative english speaker no promises for that as well. I was just on the lookout for some nonhuman mc novels that may be good when I found this. The synopsis really attracted me. I love cultivation, I often like reincarnation even if it could so much better sometimes. I like nonhuman MCs, I like ruthless MCs. For what it's worth I like a lot and this novel has perfectly combined a lot of the things I like. As stated I like reincarnation but I have rarely ever seen a novel where they reincarnated to because of some stroke of luck or a higher power or something unknown that wasn't even solved in the entire book but he reincarnated because of his own merit, his own research and his own dedication towards supremacy. I always admire those novels where the mc does everything himself to get stronger instead of getting spoonfed by something else, so that he reincarnated because of his plan really got me hooked when I read the synopsis. The unique aspect the he isn't just reincarnating himself into one race but multiple different races makes all of this just better. The first 50 Chapters were a bit confusing for me since a lot of new things were introduced. The power ranking wasn't very clear to me (because I only skimmed over the power ranking auxiliary chapter) and a lot of other things were just thrown in where I didn't see any relevance in them because I have only started reading the novel. Although the first 50 chapters are really just what was stated in the synopsis I really appreciate that it was properly build up to the reincarnation process and the Gehaldirah part isn't just some flashbacks later into the novel but everything was properly explained at the beginning. I found that many PoVs in the first 50 chapters were really useless or didn't know why we were even reading this PoV. Now after I have read until the most recent chapter (excluding privilege) I find myself wondering if they had deeper meaning. For example it was said that Legion-5 had a tyrant as a father so maybe this father is either the World god dragon or the little tyrant dragon origin god that had a few moments in the beginning. That's a bit far fetched but I like to ponder about it and if it turns out that I was right than I'll be happy about it for a short time. Anyways let's continue with Soverick's part. Soverick's part brings more world building into the novel. I'm not saying it wasn't there before but it just kind of overwhelmed the readers. This was slowly fixed the laterone is in the novel. I love that Soverick isn't just pretending to be an ordinary child like many other reincarnation characters. Part of it is because of the characteristic of all life of the Void Universe but he with his Origin soul is naturally far more advanced that any newborn. I liked the training chapters as to see how he gets more powerful. What kind of power there is for the weak vitaly-core beings and mana-entities. Here the power system was properly build up and introduced which also cleared up prior confusions. All in all it was an enjoyable volume, we got some insights in Legions mindset and goals and it's interesting to see how the war with the gods which he hasn't planned but still caused brought immense benefit to Legion. Continuing with volume 3 until chapter 474. The demon power system was confusing at first but was understood rather quickly. We got to see the first interaction between the realm lord and Legion with the deal between the two of them. I don't know if the deal was that good/beneficial for Legion but I guess someone who's a few origin cycles old has a better perspective on that than someone like me. Aeternus was mostly just dominating everyone in his part until he almost died. Really liked that. I often imagine a protagonist to be invincible and always outsmart everyone else so it was really refreshing to see him fall into a trap by that demon lord. Sure theoretically there wasn't a real threat because of Legion-1s assistance but since all of them are Legion he resolved it himself with his "own" power. As said before Aeternus was really dominating everyone so it was cool to see him forcing all those high-demons and subordinates of the Nobles and the demon lord into becoming his own subordinates where only the best of the best survive. It was interesting to see how Helios almost died before being born, well he wouldn't have died but he would have become useless to Legion if Order overtook his body. Although he was saved he was still under constant surveillance and had little control over his life until he schemed the entire situation they are in now. In the beginning I had no idea that the heroic quest was caused by another Legion. Although I thought it was because of Helios that the other Demigods were captured I had no idea how he managed to do it. It was only when the Father of Trees came into the picture that I started to see a little of Legions scheming and even then there were a lot of surprises and twists that I didn't expect. Right now it is really surprising to see how the God of Fate has plotted himself into Legions plan without being aware of who he really is even before he was born as Helios there. Any enemy with relation to Fate is always tough even if they can be outplayed so I am looking forward how they beat him or if they even beat him. As he is only an observer there isn't really anything he can do because most giantsand gods are either dead or par of the church of Life. With Legions personality there is almost a zero percent chance that they let him be so I am looking forward as to how they will kill him. This novel reminds me a bit of Reverend Insanity which is one of my all time favorites (even though I'm still missing a few hundred chapters). Fang Yuan and Legion are somewhat similar but also very different. So seeing something which is a bit like that masterpiece but still very unique is pure joy. I love how there will be no useless romance and harem and 100% agree with what the author said in the "What to expect" chapter. In conclusion I love almost everything in this novel. The only thing that bothers me a little is that sometimes a few chapters are in a different PoV. I understand that its necessary and that it makes the novel better but sometimes I just can't help but feel annoyed that I am not reading about legion but some gods which will be dying soon enough anyways. Please never stop writing this as reading more of this will be a thing I will be looking forward to every day.
Liked by 15 people
LIKEThis is a WONDERFUL review. I am not only saying this because it is a great review but because this review is highly accurate. There were a lot of up and downs both good and bad in the book which you outlined very well. I love Reverend INSANITY too and I appreciate that GREED reminds you of it. While I doubt GREED will ever be as good as Reverend INSANITY, there is something that I hope to beat Reverend INSANITY at and that is to complete GREED. I will try to complete GREED but it is going to be a long ride. It is going to be difficult but I am sure I will be able to succeed as long as I have the support of fans like you. Thank you for the review.