The story was very weird at first, but it get better after first mission. The plot is nice and unique. Different from the other novel with similiar theme, this one does have a lot of potential. And from the description in chapter 0, there will be a mission with the ability being restricted. It's good enough, so the one who take the mission won't be so op. Chest reward is good and there's percentage of the reward being dropped which is according to power and rarity. Not only dropping ability, skill, or item from anime, it also from games which is bit interesting. Don't be a stupid guy lije there who gave this novel 1 star because he didn't like the MC reveal himself being reincarnated person
Liked by 41 people
LIKEBiawak emang orang orang kaya gitu, cuman gara gara ga suka itu langsung nge stop baca terus ngasi bintang 1. kan kambing. :/ aku juga sering nemu novel di drop kaya gitu gegara ada yg trashtalk ngasi bintang 1 karena dia ga suka something yg ditulis di novel tu.
Riku_Wing:Komentar di atas ada benarnya. Soalnya ada kejadian fanfic berhenti total ( atau saat ini) gara-gara satu komentar buruk seperti fanfic [ Madara Uchiha With The Omniverse System First World: One Piece ].
Kamu harus terus maju, seperti lagu SM*SH - Senyum Semangat
UltimateSenpai:Biawak emang orang orang kaya gitu, cuman gara gara ga suka itu langsung nge stop baca terus ngasi bintang 1. kan kambing. :/ aku juga sering nemu novel di drop kaya gitu gegara ada yg trashtalk ngasi bintang 1 karena dia ga suka something yg ditulis di novel tu.