Raw name: 夜的命名术 This novel is very good in the beginning but after after some chapters the authors will go super racist. All "Evil" Americans, "Despicable and atrocious" Japanese government along with a few other villain countries will collude with the enemies of our world and try to cause problems to China. The "righteous" Chinese government (😂😂🤣🤣) and the incredible MC will then manipulate and kill all those government agents in their own countries while also righteously destroying a few of their cities in the process and return back to China as their Hero. I usually advise the readers to not read racist novels if they are not okay with racism but for this novel I can only say that you will keep reading this novel after racist chapters start only if you are either Chinese or if you have pus flowing in your veins instead of blood
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LIKEits less racism and more like nationalism and patriotism. and thats on the rise all over the world. i feal like there is a lot of people commenting about how the chinese are so rasist on this site, but if you really think about it they are not the only ones. im norwegian, but i lived in the us for a while and the "racism"(nationalism) on this site pales compared to stuff amaricans say on a daily basis(about how America is the best ever and how every other country is worse in some way). its like this in norway too to some extent.
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So you are saying that something is not wrong as long as many people does it. According to you if a person1 throws all kinds of insults at you on social media, talks about how you are inferior to him in every way and writes a book on how evil you are and how you did all kinds of nefarious stuff(which you didn't do) and how he stopped you from doing so and hence saving the world e.t.c.............you would consider as that as the person1 building his self-confidence (similar patriotism and nationalism for countries) and not as person1 abusing you. Nationalism and patriotism means to take pride in your countries, not throwing abuses at other countries, calling them evil, killing their government agents and destroying their cities in which normal people live (MC does that further into the novel)
No im not saying it is okay. i am saying it is normal. this book is intended for chinese people so the attitude is chinese nationalist. i guess the reason i am not offended is because im used to americans being just as bad, and few ever complained about them. if you want to make this a social issue, you cant just blame chinese media, you need to discuss the rise of nationalism on a global scale.
u sure with what u just said ?? do u know at present most american youth only says usa is a bad country bla bla (thou when asked which other country is better they have no answer)
Rather than the racistism it’s the blantant lies and the hypocrisy that I feel so repulsed. Acting all righteous, protending to be the victim while sneakily destroying enemy cities.
good question. i think its more the attitude. i feel like amaricans have a habit of arrogance when it comes to things amarican. they habitualy feel they are the best. like how many amaricans hate socialism and kommunism, and defend capitalism without really understanding what it is. but yeah, i didnt really mean to shame the us, i just used that country as an example because most people are familiar with it. there are a lot of other countries with similar issues. honestly i feel like sexism is a lot worse than racism on this site. the way some of these books portray women is quite disturbing. anyway, rant over.
nope we don't feel all american(it's not amArican) are great or best second their are somethings which are simply the truth/fact example west European luxury items ranging from perfume/clothing to yachts etc are the best in the world Germany makes best machinery and tools similar usa is the best in technology be it millitaristic or IT in nature so Americans do have a lot of reasons to feel arrogant second socialism and communism special communism are way worse than capitalism thou i personally prefer a blend of socialism and capitalism like India but even socialism on it's own fails best example ussr experimented proof Casa Grande farm experiment and one Israeli one
It takes much longer than that. I stopped reading 4 months ago so I dont remember the exact number but i think it starts somewhere around the 200 chapters I think. Did you encounter the Godai and Kashima yet.
Thanks for the warning. It is shame, since this is one of the few authors with some writing quality. But unfortunately it doesn't surprise me, given his other books. Although, if this one is similar (i haven't read this one), i wouldn't call it racism. More like radical nationalism or some other label. There is a real difference. But i can also see how the racism part can be brought to the table. This kind of ideology has many times a very similar hate message. They almost think as if they were in a constant war. And not the economic or cultural kind. I will consider later if i have the guts to see at least some of the first chapters or completely pass this one out. But the part about blowing up civilians/cities and being proud of it, basically gives it an almost null chance of being read. As i said earlier, it really is a shame 😢.
It is very good in the beginning but then it starts getting real disgusting for non-chinese(especially if the reader is living in one of the "villain" countries that this MC thrashes)
i am not asking a question i am merly stating that up untill chapter 78 i dont at all see what you have said.. so how far did you read? because up till where i have read, its a really good read and i have seen non of the rasist and other stuff you said.. thats why i am confused!
Read the other commenta OP has read more chaps than you
Be a while since I commented but this like a good one to reply to. Be gone CCP BOT! But in all reality there is a difference between saying your country is better (which isn't common in America by the way unless your talking about people mentioning specific things like military power.) And treating other countries occupants as less than human because the Han people are the true humans. Racism might not be the word but bigotry and hate definitely fit. China's "nationalism" always involves the destruction of other nation of non-asain appearance except for Japan which they have a legitimate reason to hate due to history. You comment is filled with out of context truths, half-truths and straight up lies. If you want to suck up yo China this much go work for Hollywood or the Biden's.
I mean there is no racism here. Its just that MC belongs to an enemy faction as compared to other countries. yeah the fact that the author blantantly makes Chinese fight other countries and win is extremely uncomfortable as a non-chinese. also the author seems to hate the Japanese thanks to the previous war or something not sure... but if you can ignore that, it's a pretty good story. like imagine if this was set in USA and Russia or Germany was the evil country. the author is basically doing the same thing here