Honestly I'm a reader that's not overly picky. everyone is complaining about how dumb the mc is but I don't mind. In fact, I rather enjoyed this novel a lot. well enough to get me to a bit over 550 chapters. But the story decisions made at this point are very frustrating to the point that I no longer want to read it. It's not that it's bad but 550 chapters in I'm invested in the mc. the REAL mc. It's not that what you did isn't an interesting idea it's just an extreme let down because it took way too long and lets us get too attached to the real him. if you were gonna do something like that don't give us so much IRL in it. it honestly doesn't even feel like the same story.
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LIKEI did not like the part where MC's master died and MCs's soul didn't get a chance to get stronger and revive her. I thought MC would find a way to revive his master and had a long way to go after getting stronger and saving Pearl and then get to know about ressurection but no author disappointed me 😞 instead let another soul to take everything from him (if the second soul didn't appear then it wouldn't have happened) 😞
I have the same problem. It became way less interesting of a read past 550. If he wanted to replace him, why do it 550 chapters in? Thinking back, it's also sad that his master was seemingly saying goodbye more towards 'Alex' than she was to him when she was dying. That's just sad lol.
Your alive? I thought covid got you? Im assuming your works are dropped?
Just got some rather sh*tty stuff to deal with so I haven't come around to writing as of yet. Just finished re-reading the entire thing and rummaging through my phone to see the notes I've written in the past yesterday. It's in an indefinite hiatus for now until I at least am sure things have calmed down on my side. As for COVID, I've long recovered from that and have been going around places looking for a new work since we moved places. Only two months ago did I get a more stable job 😓
I miss your story badly. But atleast your alive. Hope things get better for you