Randomly adds The Flash which makes zero sense and just three the entire story into nonense. Just forced and ruined the story.... fix the title if you are going to have a DC/Marvel fanfic. Never read/found a fic where both universes actually worked or was completed. Just a waste of reading the first 17 chapters.
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LIKEI haven't read it yet so I don't really know if I like it buuut.....flash does have the power to travel across dimensions and marvel has made an unofficial 'flash' Bart alien in an hold comic for a like intergalactic speedster race, plus there's access who exists solely in both universes to keep the two from merging....but if he stays in one universe too long it can make crossovers happen
Laura has his Abilities because she was made with his and wolverines blood
that isnt dimensional travel. thats just straight up into a different multiverse. it doesnt make sense in this context especially since this is the MCU universe
....that is dimension travel....its just going from one reality to another....which both arr just other realities......its also like you didn't see that whopenpsrt about how they are connected because of said comics with access....
Except it's not speedforce wall can only take you as much as time travel not multiversal.
No Flash cannot travel through different dimensions. He can travel through timeline but cannot travel to other dimension by himself. Therefore he uses Cisco when he desires to go on different earth or dimension.
the speed force literally travels dimensions....."Due to the Speed Force's connection to the timestream, speedsters can use it as a gateway to travel through time and dimensions by exceeding the speed of light." going going jay garrick earth, another dimension
sooo you just going to ignore the time he jumped into another universe because he vibrated so hard
No, Flash can't just travel to another multiverse. Why? Coz speed force exists only inside of DC universe/multiverse. And here's the proof. Check this pic here
Flash can jump anywhere within DC universe/multiverse. ONLY INSIDE OF DC. Not Marvel or Image or anywhere else.
I agree when stories MC starts giving ppl powers or starts jumping unverses i immediatly drop