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So annoying how just because he has power they all decide he mist be controlled cant they just let the guy be alone? Is that too difficult?
Why did they continue to fight him when he clearly was trying to leave? Its so annoying
Nick Fury id dilusional. He thinks they can just kill them? Ridiculous
Ridiiculous fuck them he should walk away and tell them to never have anything to do with him again
Love the story but can you please have Arthuria or Morded do something to show off their power? Its annoying having everyone believe theyre just like captain america. Theres literraly nothing the government could even do to harm them and its annoying having people jot understand where they stand in terms of leverage and power
Fucking ridiculous. Shiro should kill him now and put him in his place.
Why wouldnt he tell them about his eyes? Seems like an easy way to solve this without causing miscommunication seems kinda forced
Can you please have him humble these people already its annoying
Ridiculous these people. Should toss them outside ans tell them tos top meddling in things that dont concernt them. Hes been fine for years and oh now they gotta check him? Stupid
Fool. Why wouldnt he just get doomsday as a shadow first then release her? Hes nowhere near kryptonian level