Reviewing at around chapter 275: I have conflicted feeling about this. the beginning was not too good in my opinion because the author went the extra mile with the drawbacks on the mc, imposing 4~5 handicaps. Then it turned out to be great with many things addressed and an excellent pace until around the mid hundred chapters, I was surprised by how good this turned out to be and was enjoying the story A LOT. afterwards I feel like it went downhill after the tournament arc. it's moving at a snail pace where there was no progress with the mc character for a hundred chapters (think about it, mc moved from lvl 0 to lvl 42 in less than 200 chapters then suddenly you have to grind a hundred chapters, one third of the story, where the mc lvl stagnates. To me that's killing the story with bad pace and not enjoyable one bit). Now to be fair, the story is about "kingdom building" since the title is about the base he is growing, so I would not complain that a lot of story time is spent on growing his forces, but the contrast in the pacing was too obvious. spending hundreds of chapters in events that take few months of story time is a mistake to me, especially when those events are not Central to plot AND the story is in early stages. I will probably come back to this afterwards but I am dreading the grind if the plot slows down as much as it did between lvl 42 to lvl 43.
Liked by 24 people
LIKEThanks for the review. This problem of the speed of advance of the MC, in terms of chapters, is a problem related to the development of the territory of the MC and the present and future situation of the MC and his forces. Some explanations and developments are needed to happen before certain things... And with that, the point will come where I'll be able to move on with the story, showing only the 'action' part without compromising the story's structure. Readers will naturally understand various future developments from what is being explained here. And for a kingdom-building novel, I believe that at least the issue of independence needs to be taken very seriously. Such a thing cannot be easy. So, naturally, pieces of information need to be given before the 'story runs.' There will come a time when the story will have a good rhythm again, as before, when these explanations have finished being given. Anyway, regarding your last point, I can say that for the following levels, things will accelerate.
não sei porque mas não consiguo responder a tua respostaz vi que eras do Brazil e prontos queria dizer só que a história está boa, mas peço que leias a segunda parte da review que pus nos replies, acho que são as duas coisas com que mais estou preocupado com a história
Se você está usando o app, tenta limpar o cache. Talvez resolva. Mas as vezes o webnovel realmente tem esses problemas. Algumas revisões só aparecem para mim na página da novel um ou dois dias depois. E a sua ainda não apareceu... Mas eu acho que respondi sua perguntas. Tenta ver no meu perfil.
Ah, se você excluiu a revisão, então realmente não dá para fazer isso...