It is an amazing work, sure the author has made mistakes but that is part of being human and he fixed them and apologized, ignore the self-righteous salty whiners who act as if they haven't messed up before and continue to beat a dead horse. They only decided to complain in the reviews after it was put back up(after fixing the mistakes), showing signs of cancel culture which I am sure most people are sick of.
Liked by 10 people
LIKEwhen did he apologize to us? I remember he never did that. Yes, we have messed up before, but we never plagiarized other people's hard work. If we get inspiration, we don't steal it word to word. You behave like this because you are not us. We worked hard and spent many hours, but he stole it. He got money and praised from our hard work. You should try putting yourself in our position first before commenting. I'm sure you would do the same if you were us. What if we stole your hard work and made money off it? What do you feel? No. he had not fixed all of the mistakes. Mine is almost over, and it took him more than a week. He still had not fixed with resurgent's chapters and other authors. cancel culture? look at my review. I gave him an advice not to do the same. I told him to take this as a lesson and don't repeat it again. Look at my review!
He did apologize though, look at his profile. As for whether or not it was fixed why tf would webnovel put it back up if it wasn't fixed? The fact that you waited for it to come back up on the site and then go on and on leaving bad reviews and negative comments shows you wanted it to get taken down permanently and when it didn't you two decided to take things into your own hands and harass him in to stopping, this is the very essence of cancel culture. NGL you guys may be victims but you are just as bad if not more despicable than him and extremely toxic. Not to mention you two intentionally leave out important details of what was copied to sling mud. I don't know much about you but I know enough about resurgent and this stunt doesn't surprise me coming from him as he has pulled other such stunts before. He may have plagiarized but you guys are bullies. Seriously looking at that wall of text I can just taste the salt.
I didn't get the apology, so I had no idea about it. You can't blame me for this. I gave a review because he ALMOST fixed everything, only four more big paragraphs. When someone did something to you, you would give him a piece of advice at the end, so he can become a better person. it's you who looks at it from another point of view. sigh. Now I'm sure you don't read my review carefully. wow! you said I was as bad as him or even worse and toxic when you don't dare to answer all of my questions. I'm amazed by you. do you want to know why his novel is up now? let me tell you. WN will immediately lift the ban after the author tells WN that he has changed the content, but they don't check it; instead, they tell us to check it by ourselves. if the author didn't change it, or still had many stolen contents, they would shadow-banned him again. this is the reason why his novel is up for one or two days in the past before getting shadow-banned again. And if my guess is right, he will get shadow-banned again. sigh. This is wasting my time. if you didn't speak ill of me in your review, I would have stopped yesterday because I gave a review to make him better. sigh. I can only sigh.
Why would I waste my time replying to every little complaint you made in that reply, to do such a thing would take hours for a single reply and thousands of words, I could read god knows how many chapters in that time or even write a book, you take yourself far too seriously. If it was just a single review you made I wouldn't say anything but the two of you not only made a review but multiple comments and even brought a random reader into this that created reviews, this is harassment so of course I call you toxic. Why would you even know about my review afterwards unless you are looking at the reviews, and by looking at the reviews I can tell you don't want this to drop. Maybe the ban does work that way we will see but from my point of view even if you are a victim you don't deserve any sympathy as your actions were just as bad. As for what you said in your review that is pretty irrelevant, if you apologize to someone you are stabbing to death does that make your actions any less heinous? Your words and actions contradict each other and actions are what is important.
I see. You want this to keep going, huh? I tried my best to suppress my anger because you are not the author. It seems like it will be hard for me to make a chapter today. alright. Let me ask you. if someone speaks ill of you, what will you do? just for your information, I replied late because I went to eat with my friend and I'm currently writing. I replied to your review because you spoke ill of me. If I spoke ill of you, what will you do?
I will end it here as you are not the author and dont dare to answer my first and second question. my friend told me to stop as its wasting my time.
Right because as we all know those who have friends and a life go out of their way to mention they have one when nobody asked.... not. No need to pretend mate you wouldn't be the only lonely sap here who has no life or human interaction outside of the internet. You only paint a more wretched picture of yourself by doing such things.
He is not right, it is unfortunate that the wrong one has more likes than the one who tells the truth, it is strange that no one proves it but I will tell you one, chapter 23 of the novel "illicit relationship" and chapter 166 of this novel is the same, read it simultaneously and you will see that I copy and paste, better do it before I edit it xd, if they stole your work and they earn money with it, obviously you would be angry
You're absolutely right man, what I don't understand is why you don't point out the chapters that this shameless plagiarizes, I know that he plagiarized chapter 23 "illicit relationship" can be seen in chapter 166 of this novel that I copied and pasted. When you talk to these idiots, talking too much makes it seem like they are right, just give them the proof, not to damage the author or anything else, but so that those who read your comment see that you are right and if it is plagiarizing your work . Anyway, I hope they cancel this novel or the author changes everything, because almost all of his novel is a plagiarism where he copies and pastes
Uh huh quite a lot of credibility coming from an alt account, sadly there are people like you who know you are wrong or are at least unsure enough of your words so you have to do a cowardly thing like post from an alt. You sure love running your mouth hiding behind an alt, now if only you could say something of actual value.