I am just a shameless writer rating my own fanfic i just wants people to read my fanfic and tell me what they think and as i said above its my first time writing so please go easy on me
Liked by 27 people
LIKEYou should learn to use periods and commas. This is my tip for you, it's extremly important. And make some distance when writing not like this: Gkvfhvgjchbbcfjvfgggtgghcffhhggghvjjcggghhccggzujhjuhyfghhhhhdzhdfthcghhffftgghjvffgggthhcghccgffghchbggcfhctcgcffgghggghcggcghvhcgggggghhhhhggfthvhhcrthhhcghhvtgcghhgffrtthhhhhhhhhhcvkovfghkkncctzggggghkkvghhhvhzuhhhgzhhgggggghjvtzvhhhhhhhvgftggvhvvvvvvvvxhvfgghvhhvvhccgjbghxcggccgbjbbvtccvbkfuifkcuigkfuifiifufi But like this: Jfjdjhejkfkdkjdbjfkfjkkkcioeoeooeirkfkgkxkkxkfkirkrkrikgbjgjfjkfkrjjrkfkfkfkkgjgjgkrkrkkfkkfkkfkfkfjfjfji3ieoidididkkdkdkkdkdkkdkdkfkkdkdkkdkkdkfkdkkdkdkdk Kdkdkkfkfkirkfkfkkfkrjjfkfikfifkfkrkkrkfkkrkrkfikfifijfkfkfkkfkfkfjbfbfjgjbfbfbfjbgbifkfkfkfkgjjfosokslskdkdkdjdkjfjdjfjfjfkkf I honestly don't know how to describe it better then this, because my vocabulary is not great either. There is a word for this but don't know it tbh.
So will u read it or stop reading it ?
You can do that, it's just that most of the readers on here are anime fans. But it's no big deal if you do real life characters, this is going to get popular either way. If you upload over 15 chapters, and do the things i said. Because grammar is really important, of course you don't need to perfect writing. Just learn to use commar's and period's atleast a little.
i don't remember the characters name he looks kinda like alec with hair down