In my opinion below average. Pretty much cliche fanfiction. If you read one you read them all. Worst of all there's are a.....TALKING SYSTEM! The worst kind! It speaks like--- 'Hello, young one' like the fuk Lol?! Moreover, cliche dumbledore is apparently bad etc. It would be more unique to see the point of view of a pureblood society or something however here mc I feel is another pro muggle proud nonsense type character which is boring. ; Lastly, apparently, he is supposed to be a pureblood but is raised by muggles or something??-why not be a muggle-born then?!I want something different you know... :(
Liked by 18 people
LIKEI have been adding more and more 'unique' elements that are less 'cliche' the further I go along, and I plan on really making it a 'Leo Ignis' story instead of a 'Harry Potter' one the longer the fanfic goes on for. I don't understand why you're freaking out over a talking system when there is literally a talking, sentient hat that can read minds that is purely canon. I could make Dumbledore good, I could make him bad, I could make him just tired of being in the spotlight, but there aren't all that many interpretations that I can have of Dumbledore, and in this fic, he is bad. If that's cliche, well, at least I won't bash him and make him plain unreasonable/stupid. Finally, I am honestly confused by your 'pro muggle proud nonsense' comment. What do you mean? He was a muggle in his past life.. so he obviously doesn't hate them, but he's not going to start fighting a losing battle to defend muggles in the Wizengamot or something. I also plan on keeping this strictly magical, no bringing in RPG's against Voldemort or something. If you could be more specific, then maybe I could address some of the problems you had with the fic. Thank you for the review. You said you just wanted something different, but you didn't let me flesh out the fanfic before judging it.
Huh 🤔 when you say it that way with the system it doesn’t seem Iike a big deal
I still haven't read your story but apparently it was dropped, if you ever write again here's an advice don't respond to all negative comments about your story it will discourage you even more if they are irrational