How should I say this, I enjoy the early chapters as it feel better in structure and goals despite a lot of plot holes. There are a lot of grammar error especially the "you, you are, your" family, it did not bother me that much as I'm non native english speaker but I need to call the author about it so he can improve his writting. The world background let say vague at best, there is not a lot being told or explain. There are some good and famous areas being told but not in great detail either. The characters design are rather bland with a little bit of interesting twist, but they are all pretty much did not have good development. The creatures so far are pretty much forgotten, like how the zombies can evolve but MC only evolve the dog -> wolf and that's it, nothing else. So the variety is extremely lacking. The story was thrown down the drain, I feel like there are a lot of unexplain time skip like how the MC all of sudden control pretty much most of the world within few days. How there is no opposition at all and how the author only touch minor characters that will change nothing for the fate of the world. Overall, I enjoy my time reading it but the flaws are obliviously as long as I use a little bit of brain power. Interesting idea, messy excecution. Note : I don't know if I want to continue reading this or not as the longer it goes, the less excited I got.
Liked by 12 people
LIKEThanks for the review. I try to set many things up for the future of the story when it comes to plot holes. I also try to fix my grammar errors when I'm in a hurry with Grammarly as I find it suitable for writing after 2 am in the morning. I also plan, after last chapter of developing Joseph a little to pick things back up now in the present.
On how he over through in a few days, I'd like to point out he infected thousands of poor poeple how infected more people as well as the dead from catacombs & graves. John also, used blackout long communication leaving every military in chaos. The author also did hint at that their was resitence but it was short lasting a day at most once attacked shown in the assassination & attack on the air base
Everything you said (Besides the Grammar part) is incorrect, I hate when people don't even read the story before they hate on it, there's tons of character development, there's a lot of world development and the other parts are irrelevant since it's pretty close to our world, he's literally told us in detail all the zombie evolutions, the most innovation zombie story on this site imo, every timeskip that suddenly helps him is because he put in the time; did you read it at all? I honestly don't think you even read it, if you did you wouldn't be this idiotic.
Trust me he's a hater who can't even read the story. I've read all the chapters available and he's honestly an idiot