I read until around Chapter 114, were I now will completely abandon this story. All the side characters don't have real character or proper developement besides, well the one goal they trade their life for, after practically killing their enemies they remain by our Protagonists side, listening to all his orders and just are there to overpower everyone else on his path. I couldn't read it anymore after that one subordinate, who signed his life away for 14 years of being the Protagonists slave, fused with the FEMALE Angel Soul and complained in losing his manliness by fusing with her and actually refused to take her power, but still got it, even if it's 'slowly', it just pisses me totally off. It's her power he is taking after all, her powers are made for a female by a female, what did he expect? He constantly complained how he was the weakest among the subordinates and wanted to become stronger, but instead of giving him like an typical power training or trade that could make him stronger, he fused with the female Angel, that made no sense to me as he wasn't suitable to any of the Angels in the beginning and I don't like it how the Autor ignores his own reasoning, as he previously mentioned how no the former Owners didn't found any suitable bodies for these Angels, but now they do, which I don't mind, but at least the Autor could have just made any other character to fuse with the female Angel instead of that man. It was a okay read till that scene, I just don't like how it developed and it made me sour towards the story, I'm sorry to all that love this trash, but this is my opinion.
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