2021-05-17 00:28

I like the stpry but there are two mood points. One is the wordpadding, the story gets streched till its breaking point. At some points of time I skipped multiple pages, because the author just kept repeating himself. The other mood point is the regressing translation quality. After chapter 60-80 the quality takes a noticable dive. Translations for specific things get changed multiple times per chapter, words that don't seem to belong into sentenced and many more. It feels like the typical MTL errors that were forgotten to correct. A shame because at least 80 percent of those errors could have been corrected by simply reading through chapter once more before releasing.

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Isn't this a machine translation novel though? 🤔🤔


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Other Reviews

It's an alright novel, good idea but doesn't really stack up. My main problems come during chap 29 - 30. The "village" if you can call it that has the counsel house, bandit hideout, and 5 houses. If you read ANY kingdom-building novel then you understand at the start everyone pulls there weight to help build the foundation. However, the Author ignores all this and is already trying to build the currency. This is by far the stupidest thing I've seen and has annoyed tf outta me. It's not even the worst part, he pays the military and bandits but then ignores the normal workers, the farmers etc how does this make sense? Also, he then gives out all the food etc for free without putting a price on them. Doing this, why tf is he paying his people than when there is nothing to buy? You're literally just giving money away to someone who it will hold no value to. Instead of investing it to build up the foundations more and giving them better-living conditions. Adding onto this he is not treating everyone equally by just paying the military witch will then lead to outrage. He then wonders how he is so fcking broke. Another thing that is stupid is that the only way he can gain more of the money easily is to trade mystical items to the system which is explained as cornerstones of kingdoms, clans, empires.... No need for me to explain how stupid this is. Finally, the last straw for me is when he traded his food supply for a tiny bit of money that he shouldn't have even lost in the first place. For a village that was wondering how they will survive for more than 13 days to then trade their food supply for money (which the villagers have), it just doesn't make sense to me... food is essential for tiny villages. Adding onto this further any situation the mc finds himself in even if he himself from his own stupidity got him there is magically worked out by the system. Other than these things it was a great novel with an interesting idea. I loved the idea of a magical kingdom in the desert hidden from all. Plus it was interesting what lay further in the desert and the enemies witch lay near. Just couldn't stand the stupidity that I mentioned before.

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