A kingdom-building novel that's good. This site is seriously lacking on pure kingdom-building novel I've been reading since the beginning of Webnovel and I've only discovered 3 pure kingdom-building novels. 1. The World Online 2. Release that Witch 3. Sword of Dawn That's the only pure kingdom-building novel I've read in this site hope it will get chosen to make it 4
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LIKEMc just powers up and solo fights the enemy big honcho, not a lot of tactics. It's also not as detailed when it comes to the kingdom management
Yeah it's the Sword of Dawnbreaker sadly that's the only pure kingdom-building novel I read this story will be the fifth( the fourth is lords empire but I dropped it)
Yeah it's good it's a pure kingdom-building like release that which but with magic and has magic like in Lord of mysteries the beginning of the story is just world-building and means to have his territory since his descendants are kinda disappointing.
First 300 chapter gonna boring as kingdom building is done there with less tactics and management with more magic tech discovery and world background building but after that it is like rocket and awesome tactics and shows true charm of kingdom building ...upto 900 chapters after that it's basically world building and world plot with less kingdom building as up to there kingdom already build but the concept is more interesting (I won't give any spoiler about that) after 900 that the best part .....but I would suggest start reading from chapter 20