Unfathomable patriarch this title is fvking clickbait At first I tried reading this because of the domineering title but tf with this mc? What part of him is unfathomable. So an average idiot is unfathomable?
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LIKEYou make it seem like all badass MC's are static. The problem isn't that your MC isn't a badass, but that your MC is just too incompetent and a damn pussy. Even if he changes in the end, the changes would be way too unrealistic.
Unrealistic? So you're saying that if you take a person, doesn't know how to fight, doesn't want to fight and you put him through war, many battles and he somehow survives, he will still be the same person at the end? Don't think you even know what you are saying... you make no sense.
If you take a person who doesn't know how to fight and doesn't want to fight, he dies... plain and simple. You think people can overcome adversities when they are too afraid and are unwilling to even try? I don't want to get into the fact that he's also a idiot because that's a matter of its own. A badass mc will fearlessly push against all odds, pushing himself past his limits over and over again to become stronger. This is just one of the most basic qualities an MC must have to become an unfathomable expert, but you think someone who scares away from these challenges will amount to anything? Even if he becomes unfathomable you say it is realistic? Honestly, it's just a story, so just try to ignore all these hate comments and do what you want. Good luck!
should he not have the experience of the body as the body even killed an evil monster that killed his father and he stayed in the wild for a decade
yep that's why they invented NTR tag and why r they almost all beta s hm yes like to grow by experiencing things themselves not by reading about it or learning from other they like I wanna experience it myself only then I will grow not by learning from others great
nope he will just die the thing like that don't happen in real world as people don't have "plot Armor" ask any of ur old army relatives or war veterans what I was told was people like them either came to accept the situation during their first fight on frontlines or just died cuz they could not even fire and even cuased many good ones to die due to their mistakes the mindset is something that stays the same when it's developed that why child soldiers r popular for ancient times to now days pS what u r saying is unrealistic man survive so many wars and the change is gradual r u ok in ur brain the change happen like a span mostly with their first few kills or during their second wars as in the interval they think or reason out the things this not something I am saying this was told to me by paternal great grandfather (Ww2 war veteran) and by my grandfather (retired police commissioner) bro anyway don't talk nonsense with even checking out ur facts from other sources then ur pea sized brain (metaphorical)