Copy and pasted my original review sue me It's a very well written story so far. The writing quality is excellent for someone who's first language isn't English. The stability of updates seem to be good from the dates posted on the chapters, only time will tell though. The story development so far is interesting, definitely very catching as your first read it simply because the character seems more down to earth and isn't straight up gung-ho as other stories of this nature seem to be when things first starts. Hopefully the character will adapt to the world yet still retain his core values from earth and possibly even try to integrate these values into the world over time, instead of just saying **** it and giving in to the regular values of the cultivation world and simply abandoning the values of a modern day earth. The character design could use some more in depth personality description and history, such as flashbacks to memories that help to shape him to be the person he is and show much more accurately why he makes decisions the way he does. The world background is pretty much ok,but it presents the opportunity for much more complex world building as the story progresses as the character himself knows very little of the world he is so far. Overall, the story is well written, has seemingly stable updates; quality story development; character design that,while could use some improvement , is presently pretty good,and world background that has enough room for it to be developed and designed so as to be complex and very interesting. Hopefully, the author takes a route where the character would try to integrate modern earth values through perhaps a seemingly quirky yet solid character that strives to, while not being a bleeding heart hero like superman or all might, improve the world in a realistic yet simple thought process, such as the 'pay it forward' philosophy where one kind act can repaid by paying it forward to another unfortunate individual as well as implementing a modern day earth practices such as basic education institutions like primary schools, secondary schools, tertiary schools and universities in a effort to unite people under a single banner rather than fractured into different clans and sects that hoard knowledge like a miser hoards money. Just a thought, otherwise do you author and let the haters go **** themselves.
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