The story has a lot of potential and generates great momentum and urgency in the early chapters causing you to really get into it. The problem is the author interrupts that for what is essentially a side quest. Breaking all sense of urgency and emersion from it. Its like someone is running in the Olympics is about to get gold and then hits the breaks to check his phone real quick, only for everyone to gain on him and surpass him. To me breaking that momentum cost the story a large part of its appeal, resulting in a less extravagant rating. The worst thing is that I get the how and why the author did it. Even if it would not have gotten past an editor and instead would have been moved to the day after the mass grinding race before betas end... Certainly the info dump on items that would later exist in the real life game but did not exist yet and the shorter chapters really didn't help things. Thus my recommendation is this: Read the story if you're alright with such mistakes every now and then and simply enjoy a good concept more than the pacing and timing of stories over all. For a novel on webnovel, this has a great concept and nice story, if it sees a worthy editor as a completed story, I have no doubt it would sell as a stand alone ebook.
Liked by 7 people
LIKEI wish to add that in later chapters progression slows down further, the MC starts making ever increasingly poor decisions and the author makes it worse by making them backfire. The story has been in the works for over a month now at 48 chapters and we're still not through the beta which is a 24 hour grace period with increased leveling speed. At the current rate of progression, it will take YEARS to get through the first month in the story, and honestly the quality of the story is too poor to support such a progression rate. There is no doubt that if offers a contract and the author decides the accept it, that it will loose most of not all of its following. Then there is the fact that the current 48 chapters can easily be compressed into 12 with how little is actually happening. Add in the fact that authors tend to milk their concept even more the moment they get contracted, and you have a disaster in the making. Which SUCKS! I genuinely like the concept of this story, but it feels more and more wasted on its author the chapters are released...
Forget it, the story now has its own fanfic from his sisters perspective from the beginning of the story in the middle of a dungeon spanning for an entire arc worth of chapters. I don't know what is wrong with the author to ruin his momentum with stupid **** every time the builds up the story, but it's to a point where the story lost every bit of its soul and anyone other than the author writing a fanfic without this sort of bs will become a best seller. I'm dropping the story. The concept was great but the execution is simply terrible.
SUBSCRIBE_MY_LIST:I wish to add that in later chapters progression slows down further, the MC starts making ever increasingly poor decisions and the author makes it worse by making them backfire. The story has been in the works for over a month now at 48 chapters and we're still not through the beta which is a 24 hour grace period with increased leveling speed. At the current rate of progression, it will take YEARS to get through the first month in the story, and honestly the quality of the story is too poor to support such a progression rate. There is no doubt that if offers a contract and the author decides the accept it, that it will loose most of not all of its following. Then there is the fact that the current 48 chapters can easily be compressed into 12 with how little is actually happening. Add in the fact that authors tend to milk their concept even more the moment they get contracted, and you have a disaster in the making. Which SUCKS! I genuinely like the concept of this story, but it feels more and more wasted on its author the chapters are released...