PLEASE THUMBS UP THIS COMMENT SO IT CAN BE SEEN ON THE SUMMARY PAGE OF THIS BOOK, IT’S IMPORTANT!! Everyone, someone is already translating this for free with 700 chapters on their site. It’s called World Apocalypse Online and if this novel is chosen to be translated here behind a paywall, then Qidian will make the other person stop translating. The only way to stop Qidian is to not read or support the novel in this trial read at all. That means we don’t choose this novel to be translated here, and we especially don’t pay the twenty one chapters that are locked behind a paywall, since that’s how they choose which novels to translate and which to drop. If we do that, then this will be dropped from trial read after fifteen days, and the original translator won’t be forced to stop translating this book. This means we won’t have to pay for substandard translation (at least for a couple months before they edit it) using our coins and fast pass and can instead read a good free translation with consistent chapter uploads (2 chapters each day). Please follow this and DON’T SUPPORT THIS BOOK!!! TL;DR: DON’T BUY THE CHAPTERS ON THIS BOOK IN QIDIAN SO WE CAN KEEP READING THE 700+ CHAPTERS ALREADY TRANSLATED (with good quality) FOR FREE IN ANOTHER SITE.
Liked by 883 people
LIKEPlease review it with the comments so we can vote it upwards. Bdw still a ****h move to choose thi over tens of good trial read novels 👍
@Bu_Fang you should really update your review. Now that it's come out that the translator and editor are coming with and *getting paid for their troubles*. Regardless of anything qidian has done in the past, I feel like this is a professional and mutually beneficial move that helps the translator, the editor and the original author. Please update your review so people are not misled. Thx.