I am African American trying to go to the other world and have fun
of reading
Read books
That was perfectly timed
True. Ig it felt weird to me since they have a great relationship but this is a scenario that probably has been played out or could be.
Author do u not like Miles?
I would like to advocate for a female Ulquiorra heavily
Maybe Fireforce due to the flames aspect.
Yes one of my favorite heroes/demigods who isn't discussed much in DC. Hopefully he has a relationship with Vixen what with her animal powers and all.
Don't chang(Shame) him. Only the real ones know.
Or a god of highschool novel would be awesome. Maybe with the inclusion of fate characters to increase the amount of power of charyeok users and the inclusion of more mythologies. FML could be among these characters depending on your preference: Ogre, Uma, Dan Ahan, Lee Sujin, Hephaestus(Change her appearance to Danmachi one). Just another thought