It's beautiful how they get 14+ accounts to just keep randomly copy and paste random comments over and over just to manipulate 5stars.😂🤣😂🤣
Liked by 70 people
LIKEyou call yourself FateMaker? you are just a little piece of dirt that wont ever affect the world until you die and even then you will only affect maybe one or two people. Why? maybe because you are a ***** that doesnt even know the author and automatically assume the author is manipulating the 5 stars. Why are you such a piece of ****? Is it because you never experienced the love of parents and friends?or is it because you are a asshole just for the sake of it? BTW if you are going to rate a book or story, read it before you ever rate it because thats the fucking point of a review. this isnt a fucking playground for a bastard trying to gain exp like you.
Lol. I also love how you guys just comment to attack me but forgot that anyone with remotely any braincells can scroll down the reviews and see the names and reviews of who make them, what they wrote and what star they give. Funny how you think people are stupid without looking at a mirror yourself. 😂
Lol. I also love how you guys just comment to attack me but forgot that anyone with remotely any braincells can scroll down the reviews and see the names and reviews of who make them, what they wrote and what star they give. Funny how you think people are stupid without looking at a mirror yourself. 😂
Lol. I also love how you guys just comment to attack me but forgot that anyone with remotely any braincells can scroll down the reviews and see the names and reviews of who make them, what they wrote and what star they give. Funny how you think people are stupid without looking at a mirror yourself. 😂
Well, yeah. Those group of people that have been spamming my book with 5 star reviews for exp have been around for sometime. I don't know who that person is and I have nothing to convince you that it isn't me, neither do I really care to. I have just never deleted a review from my book ever since I started writing this. And you probably aren't in my discord because I did talk about that guy before there, that's why they know about that review spam already. Which is why they got angry at you because you jumped to conclusions.
I just say what I see. People don't need convincing. They can judge for themselves from fact that they have. And no, I'm not in discord of yours. I only get annoyed because this novel force itself into my library.
Yeah, complain it to Webnovel, I don't control whose library gets what book in particular. If I did, I wouldn't be here writing stories since that would mean I'm working for Webnovel. And you can't blame people for getting defensive against you since what you just did was basically being dropped to a party you weren't invited to, threw rocks at the window and claimed that the people who like the party are fake people that were paid to be there. I'd think you'd get punched in the face if that happened in real life no?
Not if said party invade my front yard and make a lot of noise. I have the right to complain.
Also its your responsible as the owner of the book. If the school take your child to throw rocks at someone else window, are you gonna said 'talk to the school! My child is not my problem?'
Wrong analysis then. It's like someone dropped a projector with a sound system blasting a live stream of our party here. Then you came all the way here to complain to us about having a party instead of finding the people who dropped off said projector and the sound system which we didn't even know about.
Thinking people are stupid? When did I say that? Oh wait, I never did. You are just bull****ting like the ****ty person you are :).
Lol so you’re saying you’re giving all the novels that were recommended into your library a 1 star? How very cool of you! Very impressive I must say.
You say what you see lol. This is why there’s so much idiots like Karens in this world. You guys don’t even fact check and only join in to make a clusterfück because you assume you know things but you don’t.
I mean, my book is literally just sitting there. I don't send a request to Webnovel to force it into other people's libraries and I know for a fact that this thing has beem going on for quite a while and mine isn't the first to appear. Did you sent those books this kind of reviews too? This is not the school taking my child to throw rocks at someone else's window. This is the school forcefully bringing my child around the neighbourhood as part of their new curriculum, knocking on your door and telling you that my child is from their school and you should get to know them. And because my child is there on a monetary aid system, I can't say anything to the school because they might cut my child's monetary support and they will be kicked out of school and have nowhere else to go. So yeah, talk to the school, not me. Because they will for sure be bringing other parents' kids to your door as well, not just mine. Either you get used to it, or do something about it.
Your choice then since from what i see so far, the school doesn't really care but your child still get bash. If you not gonna complain then it's your child's lost. I lost nothing.
I get more readers. You're here. You're the one losing something not me. You think these 1 star reviews that get mad about Webnovel forcing recommendations on them mean something to me? Sorry, but I don't respect you people enough to be insulted. If they were to critique my book on how to improve then maybe I'll take note, but otherwise, I really don't care. Why else do you think I've never deleted a single spam review be it if they were 1 or 5 stars?
Like i said. Your choice. Since from the review i see, I'm not the only asshole who complain so if you gonna stay quiet then have fun!😘