wow. is just went downhill after MC lost his power, basically got nerfed, and introducing technology to fantasy which just doesn't sit right with me. a forced joke which is not even funny. The author just doesn't have idea anymore so his just doing thing randomly
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LIKEI kept reading and imo the arc really was just unfun. Like a joke that carried on for too long, it was an unexpected commitment. Having so many messy things going on at once just made me feel very... unfeeling too. At some point I was just skimming through the chapters which is my flag for a novel dropped.
Not that I dropped it. I see this book as a hidden gem and am more than willing to suck toes to have more chaps.
Grogorg:I kept reading and imo the arc really was just unfun. Like a joke that carried on for too long, it was an unexpected commitment. Having so many messy things going on at once just made me feel very... unfeeling too. At some point I was just skimming through the chapters which is my flag for a novel dropped.