What should I say? This story is amazing on a whole lot of levels. 1. The main character, Jia Hyson. First of all, he likes both men and woman, regardless of age etc. That alone should be enough reason to convince you to read this story. It is so rare to see a character liking both genders! He isn't interested only in the male lead, and that is so refreshing. Second of all, he's a murderer with messed up morals, but he is still professional when needed (if he needs to play a likable character, he keeps to his own settings etc.) and keeps to his own boundaries (granted his boundaries are really flexible). 2. The system, Bebe. Sassy system that clashes with main character? Check. Just love his commentaries. 3. The worlds/mission. Okay, so the whole premise of the story is that Jia needs to make bad stories into good ones. This makes the different worlds kind of cliches, but make no mistake: the worlds are amazing. Jia rewrites them so well. The plots of every world are well worked out, and the author makes something initially boring into something really interesting. You won't regret reading them! 4. The world building. The author really makes an effort to explain how everything works, from system hierarchy, to world consciousness, etc. It's really fleshed out. Okay, there is one point that needs to be known, a warning kind of, before you read this. I've already mentioned Jia is a murderer, with messed up morals etc. When I say that I mean that it's a really important, integral part of the story. It doesn't just gloss over it. I have to especially warn for arc 2 (?) I think, the ghost/horror arc. It gets really specific. You might come out with messed up morals yourself. So if you are sensitive to that kind of the stuff, you might want to skip that arc. But you really get a sense of what the character is like there. It could be I forgot somethings that are amazing about this story, but those are the most important stuff. All in all: It is really worth it! You won't regret it! Here I have some candy for you if you read it... It will definitely be the best experience of your life! The candy I have to offer is really good too.
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