First, addressing those of you who scroll down to the comments before reading. This book is the most amazing book I've read on this site so far, and you'll quickly find yourself lost in the plot and characters. It's a refreshing take on normal System transmigration novels. The MC has his own unique charm, which is to say he's a hilariously ****ty person. The System also is a great character. Originally, I didn't like interactive Systems with personalities, but Bebe is now an exception. Now, addressing the author. First of all, thank you. Just for this novel, I made an account to vote and donate, because it's simply that good. I am thoroughly addicted. There are little to no flaws in the work, and no plotholes that I can find. Two constructive criticisms. Honestly, even if you don't address these, the novel is still a masterpiece. However, I'm going to say them anyway. My first, and the one I hope you consider the most is changing the title of the novel. BL is already a very restrictive category of novel. Some people purposely avoid it. Even for people that do read BL, or people like me who seek them out, not all of us like the same thing. When I was scrolling through the LGBT+ category, I almost missed out on your story. I read the title, and thought it would be about Alpha Beta Omega mechanics instantly. The only reason I clicked on it was because the synopsis has system on the first line, and my love of system novels countered out my iffiness about ABO, Now, I don't have anything against ABO, and think it's good in small doses in transmigration novels, but I wouldn't read an entire book about it. I think you'll find your readers fit into three categories. Those who read BL indiscriminately, those who read it thinking it was ABO and stuck around because the story was amazing, and those who clicked without thinking about ABO in the first place. ABO is a niche within BL, and personally I dislike it because it reminds me of second-rate werewolf stories from the Wattpad days. You may not even realize that some potential readers are ghosting your story for thinking it as a completely different type of novel. Your novel is brilliant, and I don't want others to ghost it because of ABO to limit it's potential. When I think Beta, I, unfortunately, don't think of a unique, cool system with limitless possibilities and a kickass MC. Another is that the paragraphs are large, and can be hard to read, but this definitely isn't that big of the problem. I only noted it because I have a bad tendancy to skim, and I missed a really funny joke, only picking up on it because some people had commented on it at the end of the chapter. By isolating jokes or certain lines, you create emphasis, and it flows better for comedy and importance. Thank you, author, and keep up the good work!
Liked by 30 people
LIKECheers mate! Longest review I’ve gotten and it’s 100% amazing (as in very flattering lol) I am so glad you like the story so much that you even got an account, it makes me feel very powerful to have such influence over someone which I deeply appreciate lol ψ(`∇´)ψ I love constructive criticism so don’t worry- I’ll definitely take the paragraph thing to heart, I tend to ramble and then forget to space my **** out haha. Also omg I totally agree on the ABO thing. Like I only knew about it from fanfic werewolf type stuff and was not the biggest fan? However I actually quite like the QT ver where it usually comes hand in hand with fighting zerg aliens (though I wouldn’t read a whole story on the theme). Intergalactic ABO is way better than werewolf ABO in my opinion haha, though to be fair the plot is pretty same-same with the O pretending to be a B and blah. I am not willing to change my title however since 1. It’s a punny 2. See 1 - yeah. I wracked my brains for a minute to come with that nugget of comedy gold lol. Hopefully the high praise coming from you and the other awesome readers plus the rating will sway those readers to give this story a chance ^ω^ Anyways, thanks for this amazing review! ♡(˃͈ દ ˂͈ ༶ )
Thank you so much! I feel equally honored that my favorite author took the time to reply! Don't bother too much about the title, it was just something that me as a reader suggested. Keep up the amazing work!