Not going to start reading until it's finished. I don't trust Qidian to finish translating novels anymore with how many have been dropped. (Plundering the Heavens, Stealing the Heavens, Soaring the Heavens, Commanding Wind and Cloud, etc.). From now on, I'm only reading completed novels.
Liked by 597 people
LIKEDude , your way is unsuitable for normies like me , like reading 1000+ seems more like a task to me,a monumental undertaking (not different to how people just buy books) , the allure of reading just 1-2 chaps a day ,actually growing along with the story is nice . All the emotions you feel when author/translator leaves you at a cliff 😄 then you have to wait 24 hours for it , teaches true patience which is very necessary in the current instant gratification tread
True patience is when you wait for TODG
Wow I didn’t realize that so many translations was dropped, well when this whole affair started Qidian made what used to be translation to read or fan translation and made it commercialize with promises that no dropped novel would occur precisely because it was a business and not a whim!
Guy got to uphold a deal made between his parent and a otherwordly godess to be choosen as heros but got refused and sent to the "end of the world" cuz he is too ugly ... Watch his adventure as he become broken mage (he double his mp pool through repeat "fake death" without knowing it at first ) World building (literaly :p) dense mc (in a wierd way) mercyless ect
Hmm might give it a read ty
When you read those books and have all kinds of emotions, enjoying the cliffs, but then the novel gets dropped, you'll finally understand what I mean.
They don't keep any of their promises, except adding new novels. When they change things, they don't even ask for their users opinions and usually don't make an announcement either.
Webnovel even translates novels that have been dropped or even banned in COO (Country Of Origin, aka China), charging a SS (now coins) for stories that are unfinished and will never complete. Basically everyone of webnovels reader base only reads the translations of their favorite novels, as we don't understand chinese. That's why we don't know the situation over there regarding the status of the novel. Chinese readers can directly interact with the author, but we cannot. That's why Webnovel doesn't even care when they host incomplete novels for their english reading audience, we just know nothing that goes on over there in China and they take our money for novels that no chinese would pay for. And the translators don't even bother to tell us beforehand that the novel was discontinued and will never finish. If that's not shady business what is?