Chapters: 1512 Chapters Status: Complete Year Started: 2017/04 Year Ended: 2019/02 --- Views: 10M Total Recommendation: 545K Fans: 290K --- QiDian Rating: 8.5 (209) QQ Rating: 6.1 (867) --- Author:The Mass of Eating Melon Seeds 吃瓜子群众 Rank: Lv 5 Author's Other Works (Raw): 【Extraordinary David•超凡大卫】 --- Link: htt**:// --- Rank by Genre【Fantasy】: #16 Men's Monthly Ticket List (Febuary 2019) #11 Men's Monthly Ticket List (January 2019) #7 Men's Monthly Ticket List (December 2018) #7 Men's Monthly Ticket List (November 2018) #9 Men's Monthly Ticket List (October 2018) - #25 Men's All Time Recommendation Ticket List --- Tags: Sword and Magic; Making Money; Transmigration ◽◽◽◽◽ Too few chapters for a detailed review.
Liked by 183 people
LIKENice list. Try 'When the mage Revolts', stopped reading it but I heard it has a good magic system. How's the Sorcerer's Journey though? that's the only one I haven't tried.
I still didn't read a sorcerer journey but i heard its quite good at early chapters its just that the translation was subpar needs editing the world building is superb though as i heard
I'm reading A Sorcerer's Journey. The early chapters' translation (til chapter 150~) are a little wonky and can be confusing, but overall it's still great.
I'm reading A Sorcerer's Journey. The early chapters' translation (til chapter 150~) are a little wonky and can be confusing, but overall it's still great.
I see. I read the reviews and translation complaints aside, there are lots of great reviews for it. They locked chapter too early though. And did they just recently continued translating this cuz it's already been 2yrs here but only 300+ chapters... Thanks Jack~
Oh Dang, you already mentioned most of it lol. Hail the King, The Human Emperor (more on clan building and politics) and Kingdom's Bloodline (I only tried few chapters, politics is there but idk about Kingdom building). But these are all popular so I guess you already heard of em.
in my opinion "Overlord" is the best one of sword/magic building kingdom novels. it's more like talking over the sh*ty world. unfortunately I don't think it's available at this platform. though it has manga and anime. I watched hundred of animes. and this one can easily take one of my top 3. but you still can read the novel version of it.
which one will hooked you the most of them? I'm just searching novel which doesn't make me feel bored.
Yeah i like that too. I've read the novel and the manga version even watch the anime 😂
Already in my reading list. Maybe I'll the kingdoms bloodline again, thanks btw 😇👍
I'll forever recommend Lord of the Mysteries first to everyone lol, if you can handle slow start then it's really worth the read. And of course Throne of Magical Arcana. But if you're up to entertaining enough, WMW and Age of Adepts.