Please proofread or get an editor. It's really hard to follow with all the grammar errors. This is like using machine translation ...........
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LIKEbruh, it's webnovel readers are sensitive 10 yo??? picked up at author even the author only said goodbye! also, what are you trying to say? maybe my grammar just that bad, I dont understand what do you mean? "Just let him be dude needs it??"
I did not even try to argue as I know my grammar is bad. he wrote a one star review which mean he's going to stop reading my story, so I said a goodbye to him, and it's wrong? sigh.... also, should I make a complete report to all my readers what I have been doing to improve my grammar all this time? are you interested in reading that? even you are interesting in reading that, I don't have any interest to write that, lol :P so sir, if you don't know the whole things, don't get too early into a conclusion. No offense here and good bye... oh I shouldn't have said that... thank you for your advice, sir~
Just saying you should say Thank you 😅 Im glad you want to get good at this confusing language. Anyways I enjoy the read and would pay for it! Just thought you needed to be more positive.. Keep up the good work and don’t let the criticism get to you!
Just saying you should say Thank you 😅 Im glad you want to get good at this confusing language. Anyways I enjoy the read and would pay for it! Just thought you needed to be more positive.. Keep up the good work and don’t let the criticism get to you!
Or perhaps you’re just in denial, acting snide? This review is one of most important things that you could do to improve your writing. If you don’t care about being an author, why should readers care to read your work? Respect others, and others will respect you.
I will say the same, respect others, the others will respect you... I only returned his words with his style... perhaps, are you blind? please back read, dude... denial? hahaha, you are truly blind then... I never denied I have bad grammar... please re-read the comment above before you comment...
The comment I read only said "Goodbye." I'm not sure how you are able to pull entire sentences of meaning out of one word, but I clearly must be missing something. With how snide you were in response to a very relevant review, it clearly shows that you don't value constructive criticism. If you know you are lacking on the grammar front and need an editor, why don't you simply acknowledge that you are aware of this, and are in the process of seeking one? If you aren't seeking one, then you clearly don't take being an author seriously. If you don't care about your work, why should readers care about reading it? As for "returning his words with style"... this has to be one of the poorest arguments I've come across. There's no style in what you wrote, and is frankly disrespectful. If you think that it is "stylish" and a way of acknowledging his review, you clearly need not just an editor, but more writing lessons.
I just realized that you are the 10 y/o sensitive kid here... you talk as if you know everything but you know nothing... alright, I am done, good bye.... (Look which commenr you replied earlier, you were not talking about the good bye thing. moreovee, I already explained why I said good bye) good bye, kid
Bro calm down. You were the one in the fault here. Saying ‘Goodbye’ after someone is trying to give you some legit criticism can come off as rude and may seem like you are pissed off by their comment. It may just be because your grammar isn’t very good which caused you to misunderstand why others didn’t like your comment very much. Once you get better at English in general you will understand why others are berating you as ‘sensitive’
Bro, goodbye is a formal way to bid farewell, that's what I know about "goodbye". If I don't accept the criticism, I will delete the review instead, not pinned the review. It's not "F*ck off or Piss off" which is I know it's rude, only said goodbye because I know the guy will stop reading the novel after a 1-star review, already explained it and I was at the fault? What's wrong with you guys, really?
Like i said to us more experienced English speakers, it comes off as rude. You’re not in the wrong considering you aren’t very good at English. Just keep in mind that a better response would just be ‘thank you for your review. I will take your thoughts into consideration.’