OK I know I might sound annoying or wat not but pls webnovel we need female leads in SciFi, real fantasy,historical,horror and action. Not only romance, fantasy romance,SciFi romance,historical romance. I'm really tired of seeing almost every female lead have romance tagged to their name here. Its always romance wtf. Not everyone likes DAT genre pls be diverse I want to see real badass chicks. Not girls DAT become strong after being cheated on or being killed by a loved one or in fact girls DAT have strong personality but after meeting the ml becomes weak and dependent on him. I'm tired of seeing clichés. Any who I'm sure this novel might be gr8 but it seems its going to ave the same format. I'm still giving it 4 stars 4 the translator and author's sake. But pls we also need female leads in pure action,horror,fantasy,scifiand historical. Pls
Liked by 41 people
LIKEThere re others like my master disconnected again(fantasy and comedy), my dad is something something prince charming same author as the first one(I didn't want 2 read it at first bc I thought it will be cliché but I was wrong. Fantasy, comedy,drama and action with a lil romance), the empress livestream (now this one surprised me. I haven't seen a ml yet. I thought it will be ur cliche fantasy romance but its mostly politics, action,mystery and comedy. The fl is op but in a realistic sense) and side character heroine(fantasy,system,slice of life and comedy). Y don't we get books like these more often.
My master disconnected again... I’ve read that... need to continue where I left... really really good...
Empress livestream is a must read as well
my dad is something something prince charming ive read it and caught up to it until it compelted. its so bittersweet that it ended so quickly. Livestream i lovee. shift side charcter heroine i stopped reading, its a bit slow and its very rambly. My master disconnected again, i really didn like the beginning since she seemed enamored with food. But the king of all these books is my empress LING LAN
My empress will forever be Jiang pengji(empress live stream). I love her. I'll probably continue reading its not easy to be a man I stopped at the 12th chapter bc of similar transmigration beginning.
Entitled and a brat