I like the idea, it gives the necessary amount of fan-fic vibes, it's cute and fun to read, hOwEveR, I do have some problems with it. The writing quality could be so much better. It seems like every sentence has a grammatical error and punctuation is either used or not used. I suggest you use Grammarly or any other sort of grammar check system. The story development is mediocre to me, I feel like it could be much more vibrant. Speaking of which, I feel like the characters could feel a bit more realistic. It just seems like something is lacking. The world background is okay, but with more descriptive detail of how everything looks like and how things are done, I believe this story would greatly improve. The last thing is the stability of updates. As an author, I know how difficult it can be when it comes to writing something because, you know, life... but try and come up with a schedule. Even if it's once a month or so. It's better for your fans to know when you plan on updating instead of you updating whenever you feel like. Hopefully I didn't offend you in any way, I just want to give the right feedback in order for your story to thrive. Either way, you nice keep going! (please tell me you got that reference or I will be sad)
Liked by 1 people
LIKEi know grammarly and i'm trying to edit all the chapters. Yeah i dmit my vocabulary in english is poor but i do know how to express the feelings of my caracter to the reader. Honestly, i'm very lazy in regards to academics and writing but i always write. you know each chapter takes me days to prepare. Also i'm not even chinese so i gotta do resarch from reliable sources first. Thanks for the review. the ext chapter will be delayed because i'm not done with my research on chinese musical instruments yet. sigh! i really appreciate your honesty. i've known that my book lacks something and i wanna bring it out. i need you to correct me if i'm going astray. thanks