The story is great. Loved it but I have never been a fan of harems. So I dropped it because of that but I decided to give a review for that exp The characters are shallow, yuki likes what theo likes and that's it, nothing that makes her stand out. But theo is fleshed out. But other than his obsession to be strong, protect yuki and gain his human form there nothing.(honestly, not sure what character development is) Not sure about world background because for the whole time I read he was in the forest then village then forest. So not sure what rating you would give that (or this so just gave it a four) For the stability of updates is a bit of a sticky one He did stop posting chapters for like 2 weeks then started posting like everything is casual. Pretty sure he gave a reason but I didn't read ip to chapter 30 or something. So I was onnly checking when the story was updated at that Point. I love a good non-human protagonist story especially when they evolve. That is orgasmic but when you add a system. You have a fucking orgy. LOVE EVERYTHING ABOUT THESE KIND OF STORIES, But harem makes a story bad in my opinion. Like you could see after shina (I think) was introduced it took like 15 chapters for him to finally upgrade and before you say anything, the MC went from stage 1 to stage 9 in a chapter. So you can see how fast paced that is. But he starts blacksmithing when he is stage 10. Helping shina out and ****. So I have never been the best fan of harems. But I can enjoy a good one if I am introduced to it. OVERALL, this story is a gem and has alot of potential but not my kind story. Oh yeah and shina is a loli. Again not the biggest fan Hopefully the story is enjoyable for others
Liked by 28 people
LIKECharacter development is something that must not be noticable from chapter to chapter but it must show a drastic change from first chapter to 200th chapter. For example, irresponsible main character learning about responsibilities and him trying to better himself. There isnt really much to understand about it. It is what it is. Charcters must have development for it to net a high score.
Thank you for telling me, I couldn't be asked to search it up cause I'm lazy
Bem parece que sua avaliação foi fortemente influenciada pelo seu gosto. É difícil avaliar quando você não gosta do gênero. Eu por exemplo adoro Harém, odeio histórias onde o Protagonista faz várias heroínas se apaixonarem por ele, para no final deixar elas e ficar só com uma, eu realmente tenho nojo desse tipo de enredo. Por isso prefiro Harém, a minha dica é, se você via a tag harém então não leia, porquê além de não apreciar a obra adequadamente, você ainda vai da uma nota baixa com base no seu gosto pessoal.
Preferência é uma coisa interessante. Eu particularmente adoro Harém, e atualmente só leio a história se ela tiver tag Harém. Passei a sentir nojo da maioria das histórias onde não tem Harém, porquê geralmente o Protagonista faz varias Heroínas se apaixonarem por ele e no final abandona elas e fica só com uma. Uma das minhas maiores decepções foi The novel extra, onde o autor fez com o Mc fizesse as heroínas se apaixonarem por ele, fazendo varias cenas de flerte com elas, fazendo elas desenvolverem um amor profundo pelo Mc, e no final o Mc fica com apenas uma delas. Eu sinto Como se estivesse comendo um banquete maravilhoso, mas no finalzinho sentisse um gosto muito ruim na boca