2021-02-13 08:11

To be honest I'm only writing this review, that is likely to be lost in the sea of other reviews, because I don't see a lot of people actually reviewing the book. It was either people just going off on a tangent, labeling the their most frustrating scenes in the book, using a myriad of offensive words to describe it, or Just plain old white Knighting. There is also a large block of text dedicated to fans that are enjoying the book, which to be honest is pretty nice. At least I don't have to deal with a copiously long toxic comment with no constructive criticism to be seen. It also shows that a large portion of the community has some patience. Now (disclaimer!!!!!), I never really made it past the first 50 reviews. There are too many to read. Second (Disclaimer!!!), If someone is still reading this don't expect anything great I'm not a professional book reviewer. So to start off, this is a pretty interesting concept. Fairly original, and carves out it's own place in the reincarnation genre's inanimate object corner. The story "itself" is also well thought out. however the protrayel of the story isn't the "greatest". let me tell what I mean by that... The writer has this habit of telling and not showing. For the people who are not aware of what that means, I will describe it in a different way. When painting or drawing a picture for someone to see you usually flesh the image out give the picture depth and meaning in every stroke of the brush. I do not mean literally, like every square centimetre of paint has some kind of mystical meaning. It has meaning in the terms of portraying the depth of a video whilst it still being a still image. For example: shading, perspective, minute detail like pores on the skin or individual leaves on a tree. It gives the picture life. There is quite a bit of similarity between a painting and a book, in that they both try to describe a living scene, an entire world, on a still canvas. I'm sorry if my description still didn't help.😔 The point is the there is visible depth when you show, which isn't an effect you get when you tell. Telling is literally encapsulating the entirety of the scene in a couple of descriptive, but limited words. To show, is to describe the nuances of the scene, give the skeleton of the story flesh, describe what the author themselves see, to paint the picture in the readers' mind. As a writer you don't have to do this too often, you actually shouldn't. It's a device used when trying to really bring to life an important scene. However there is a difference between just right and too little. The entirety of that block of probably unnecessary text is me just saying the author's writing itself lacks depth. Not the story, just the writing. I think this is my last point. This is just my opinion on this one but, I feel like there is too much info dump, or the info dump is just not spaced out well enough, or the info dump just doesn't have any life. The last one might be on purpose seeing as it is just the characters grinding skills. Either way the writing isn't particularly well paced when around 60%(Not an exact meausrement) of 4+ chapters (Also not an exact measurement) straight is dedicated to an info dump. 🤔 But again this easily remedied if you just give the info dump more meaning and life, I think... 🤨 But who Am I to judge, I could just be spouting nonsense... Which makes this an immense waste of a morning that could have been spent watching Gawr Gura read Konosuba. Ah whatever, I enjoy the world the Author is trying to portray and I hope they continue to evolve the writing and the story.

Liked by 77 people


Ps. I actually forgot to mention in the review, is the Mc getting dumber? at the start he was particularly intelligent but wasn't dumb either. And then the character visibilily grew in intelligence as the story progressed... was the general pattern. However Argentum (Sorry If I spelt it wrong🙇‍♂️), he's really not that bright. Goes off on some weird tangents fairly often. Which gets me wondering what is Argentum? He was originally just a body that Aurus controlled with his soul but what is he now? His character traits are similar but different to Aurus.


"Wasn't" particularly intelligent. Why can't you edit posts on Webnovel...😔😟

Reverendbonafide:Ps. I actually forgot to mention in the review, is the Mc getting dumber? at the start he was particularly intelligent but wasn't dumb either. And then the character visibilily grew in intelligence as the story progressed... was the general pattern. However Argentum (Sorry If I spelt it wrong🙇‍♂️), he's really not that bright. Goes off on some weird tangents fairly often. Which gets me wondering what is Argentum? He was originally just a body that Aurus controlled with his soul but what is he now? His character traits are similar but different to Aurus.

Thank you for the review. I truly mean it. Man, seeing this makes me realize that I still have a long way to go on the road of writing. I would highly appreciate it if you could elaborate more on the problems you saw in my novel. If you're fine with that, please dm me on discord at Dawn#9162, or join the discord server that could be found in the synopsis and I'll respond as quick as possible.


MC is indeed getting dumber at the start, which is actually something I didn't intend to happen. I'll be fixing that sometime soon after my exams are done. As for Argentum, his existence is quite shaky at the start. But as time passes, it'll become more and more clear as to what his purpose is in the story. Once again, thank you for the review.

Reverendbonafide:Ps. I actually forgot to mention in the review, is the Mc getting dumber? at the start he was particularly intelligent but wasn't dumb either. And then the character visibilily grew in intelligence as the story progressed... was the general pattern. However Argentum (Sorry If I spelt it wrong🙇‍♂️), he's really not that bright. Goes off on some weird tangents fairly often. Which gets me wondering what is Argentum? He was originally just a body that Aurus controlled with his soul but what is he now? His character traits are similar but different to Aurus.

Can do. I pretty I am already part of the server... But i'll try to Dm you at a respectable time and you can tell me what you want me to expand on. It should come from the account TeslaBlack#0386. All of that said I hope you can bear with my poor ability to explain things😅 Good luck with your exams, study hard but not too hard.👍😂

TrueDawn:Thank you for the review. I truly mean it. Man, seeing this makes me realize that I still have a long way to go on the road of writing. I would highly appreciate it if you could elaborate more on the problems you saw in my novel. If you're fine with that, please dm me on discord at Dawn#9162, or join the discord server that could be found in the synopsis and I'll respond as quick as possible.

nice review, it annoys me when every single comment is a 5 star of with no actual criticism


(Spanish) Tienes razon, digo, no soy alguien critico en este mundo, y toda persona fanatica tiene derecho a expresarse de cualquier manera sin causar daño ¿pero en serio es necesario mandar puras 5 estrellas en comentarios generales?, recientemente eh descubierto esta app, y ahora me tomo en cuenta las criticas para no gastar mi tiempo demas, pero por esos comentarios, busco y busco hasta encontrar otros de pocas estrellas (no se si asi es como se busca correctamente una critica), y los leo, pero por parte de las criticas, a veces no se disernir algo objetivo o personal, y sinceramente me da miedo haberme saltado una joya enterrada. Este es mi opinion amplia de tu comentario.

Hydrated_Chingus:nice review, it annoys me when every single comment is a 5 star of with no actual criticism

I've read this book up to about 250 300 chapters, I wanted to see if this book was still good since I dropped it cause I was tired(not a bad book just tired of reading for a bit) your review is great.

Other Reviews

I must say(since everyone starts out thinking the same way with this novel due to the uniqueness of it), I didn't expect this novel to be as grand as it is becoming. It is truly a well thought out concept, and it wonderfully encompasses the idea of an isekai in the most rediculous and tasteful of fashions. Before I begin my review, my rating is completely accurate. When I started out reading, I was like... "What is this stick going to do, roll over its enemies? ", and behold, that was legit the first thing the MC did!! I was like, "Well, my expectations have been met. Add to favorites." Within 15 days, I got to current and I am excited for each new release. The character development for this novel is a bit confusing to get at first, but soon you will fall in love with the sayings and quirks of the characters. One might even begin to "ship sticks", and that thought is just freaking wild lol. Overall, you will love and hate certain characters at different times, and maybe even disagree with how the MC does certain things; however, this only adds to the reading experience, let me assure you. The story development is far from being a finished product, even at its current point(272). Even so, while some may see this story as slow, it is all leading to a larger, more grand and more defined picture. This novel, currently, is in Volume 4, so finding out there are story arcs... It blew my mind to think a "stick story" could get so far, AND IT'S NOT STOPPING! With consistent and daily updates, along with an author who listens to the comments and consistently improves upon the work as a whole, it is very encouraging to see a story and the world develop more and more, day by day. I have found myself laughing over certain scenarios, amazed by the world building and descriptions of locations, and even enticed by the battles between sticks lol. (trust me, rolling is just the start...) If you have the opportunity to get as far as me, I recommend joining the discord. It's one fun time in there, for sure. Tldr; if you enjoy a captivating and wild, but a completely unexpected story filled with adventure, looming danger, phenomenal character development, and modernized humor for those relief moments- - Please, check out this novel. You won't regret it :)


Dunno how i got so far. Anyway 1st few chapter wallbreaking is ultra retarded - RETARDED The system apparently has a lot of options and they are only visible when MC DECIDES TO ENABLE THEM, and he only does so when he feels like or "he remembered"... As story progresses he keeps enabling more options that display rank and some other shit. why not enable everything? - pretty retarded MC is hunting sticks nonstop. All of a sudden 2 sticks appear, guess what MC does? HE SPEAKS TO THEM "Who are you?" LIKE WTF? DUDE u have been hunting sticks nonstop for so long and all of a sudden YOU FUCKIGN randomly decide to talk to them? (Reason he talked was because of the plot, he obv needed to talk to them...) - Retarded MC has like 10-20 skills. Right before "dying" HE REMEMBERED he had an OP skill that transforms all dmg taken to 1 hp. Yeah... he just remembered at the crucial time, and guess what, all the other skills were explained, but when this1 was mentioned, we never got to see what it does, and behold a couple of chapters later, HE REMEMBERS it and uses it in a crucial moment and readers go "WOOW, HE HAD SUCH A SKILL" well done author, that was retarded suspense. - RETARDED MC sees an S grade (that should have -500 ish hp, but apparently still had a couple of hp somehow left) stick being killed by a stronger stick and he goes "w-w-w-who are you?" ... - RETARDED MC meet Hiersomething, 10 minutes later blabs his secrets to her, how he is reincarnated etc - RETARDED When MC decides to blabber his secret about being blessed by the goddess, mc asks the question back and then MC SAYS- "Lets say our answers at the same time" LIKE FUCKING little kids, god i cringed so hard while reading that. MC has major brain problems, constantly forgetting stuff, making irrational choices. The goddess brainfucking and changing things however she likes doesn't help the plot or the MC, he is retarded and stays retarded for as long as i have read - RETARDED MC fights in a trial, 1st trial-10 rounds, half the them finished in one shot, the other half is explained as them all attacking using this and that, MC dodges! Use abilities and beats them. blah blah blah. 1st trial finished in 4 HOURS! 4 HOURS? THAT was maximum 30min. Apparently somewhere it was explained that sticks fight at a slower pace, but when the fights happen u CANT fucking tell that, fights are explained as all enemies can attack MC at the same time which means they are close or can move closer fast. anyway, it took 4hours apparently, insanity. -RETARDED INHERITANCE obtained, MC has a full room of skills to BROWSE THROUGH, what does he do? takes the 2 skills he was there for originally and HE EXITS THE INHERITANCE and goes with the leader back to the alliance. EVEN THOUGH THERE WERE WHO KNOWS HOW MANY GOOD SKILLS. AAAND DOESN'T GO back there for a LONG time, and when he DOES, its again to LOOK FOR SPECIFIC SKILLS, he doesnt fucking look at all the skills and think if they are usefull, HE DOESNT even pick the passive skills that he shouldnt even worry about -RETARDED From now on i guess spoiler warning? MC gets a skill fusion option from his system. STILL DOESNT GO TO INHERITANCE TO LEARN ALL THE SKILLS AND FUSE AND FUSE THEM FOR OP RESULTS. - RETARDED Oh right MC makes a clone. Makes it look like his old life... (yeah, he made him look the same as how he was instead of making him more handsome, or ANYTHING. EXCEPT. He increased his "drill" size. . . Yeah, author called his dick a drill and some other retarded name, my brain thankfully decided to erase at least 1 of them from my brain... But yeah, gotta increase dicks size but the rest stays the same. I mean how fucking boring is that, when u get a new life why tf would u want to look the same as you did., then again compared to all the other shit this is more just in my opinion. The big fight against the wolf stick. Oh god, it was written so badly, so cringe. the tactics so cringe, i couldn't bear to read them so i was skipping and skimming chapters. Dropped it at the point MC was showing off his awesomeness to EVERYONE around, yeah that's supposed to be the "climax", but to me it was just retarded because of the way that everything led to him needing to show off or the alliance gets destroyed... Oh right, shitton of chapters about goddess and some random mages POV too, for now 170ish chapters they got almost nothing to do with MC. Just the goddess apparently influencing the retarded MC do things she wants him to do, yeah making MC even more retarded. Conclusion? Retarded novel. Did i still read it like a sucker? Yea i did. If you don't care about logic, or having a not Retarded mc whose brain is also getting ****ed by a goddess to make him even more retarded, then you might be able to enjoy this (reincarnation, system, op, prior knowledge to secrets).

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