Worst mc ever such a bull**** artist always saying that he be loyal but as soon as he’s faced with a situation he buckles then swears to look after them it just makes a perfectly good novel turn to a crap. If you truly love someone would you lie cheat and and fu$k around. A Mc that thinks himself as righteous honourable and loyal he goes and cheats with his childhood friend just hours after getting married all coz he can’t control his dik always saying he has no feeling of love and treats her as a sister then goes and fu@ks her as soon as temptation arrives then tells his wife that she’s the best thing that ever happened to him no will power at all then saying why not just fu@k around with every single girl and live life to the max is that really a excuse to make a good mc now that’s a bull**** artist who’s selfish and only cares about himself if any one of those girls did what he did he would ***** around and and say that she’s a slut those mcs act exactly like those second generation rich kids that everyone hates but just makes excuses to make himself righteous would you really like a person like that it just pisses me off a good story turned to crap so many good novels turn to crap just coz the author wants to be a player
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