1. I got a dig bick 2. You that read wrong 3. You read it wrong also 4. You checked 5. You smiled 7. You are wondering why you still reading this 8. You see the mistake right? (on7) 10. But did you see I skipped number 6? 10. You checked 11. And saw I doubled number 10 and skipped number 9 13. And did you see I skipped number 2 14. You got tricked 15. But did you see that I skipped number 12 16. You checked and wandered why am I wasting my time on this. ( You got tricked )
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LIKEHmm, well if you read over my last comment you would discover that I never claimed it was... only self-amusing and mild satire (I was being sarcastic) -- so to speak and if you want to the discuss the intricate nature and theorem of "originality" I would say that it is relative to your perception(s)/ conception(s) :) Wakari masu ka?