Ok, this story sickens me! If you are a westerner, I highly recommend that you stay away from this book! Because when you reach around chapter 200+, the heroine will do something that any westerner, with normal sensibility, will find sickening! Let’s analyze the story and at the end, I will discuss what was it the killed the story for me. Story: it starts out pretty interesting. The heroine dies after been betrayed but is reborn into a new body with eyes that are in many ways “magic.” The author will add more powers to the eyes as the story progress. The powers are not explained at this point of the story (at around 200 chapters.) Hopefully, explanations will be inbound in future chapters. Anyways, the heroine uses her powers to escape a harsh life and make money for herself. Her goal: get revenge of course. The story details how the heroine gains money and build her financial empire so that she can use it to get revenge. The objective is clear and is her plan on how to get there! I like the author’s clear direction! Business story: it’s in the title, so we have to discuss it. From my opinion, the business aspect is incredibly weak. The heroine’s power allows her to identify gems from common rocks. This allows her to buy gems at cheap prices and sell at astronomical prices. Her profits are just ridiculously high! From then on, she makes friends who help her both in a legal and financial way! There is almost no one who can block her in the financial world. And some deals literally falls into her lap! There is no challenge for the heroine! No challenges mean no interest! Romance: yes, there is a romance component in this novel. But it is painfully slow! It takes close to 40-50 chapters before readers are introduced to the male lead (ML.) And even after he appears, it is only for briefs moments. The ML never appears to make any impact upon the heroine’s life. And the author barely takes time to flesh him out. Even at around chapter 200+, it is not clear cut to me what the ML’s career is, and more importantly, how worthy is he of the heroine’s love? Conflicts: there is business and romance, and that means lots of cat fights. Boy, does this story have a lot of them! Maybe a bit too much! It appears to me that the heroine has conflicts with half of the female populations that she meets! Early on, it can be justified because she is protecting her new family, but later... Character development: the ML is not very well developed. But the author does spend time to “develop” the heroine. Develop is a bit heavy, because the heroine does not change throughout the chapters, the author only reveal her personality more and more as time time passes by. She protects those who love her and punishes those who harm her. But contrary to many many novels on this site, the heroine does go out of her way to help her family! No lip service for this girl! And she also gets into fights to protect her family, and this was good at first! Because you can really root for the heroine! She was on the moral high ground. And then chapter 204 hit! I put spoiler on top, so this is the last warning! Please stop if you do not want spoilers! Still here? Ok, let’s do this! The controversial chapter: at chapter 204, the heroine allows two women to be raped! She was fully aware of it. She even followed the criminals to there place and was watching as they did their dastardly deeds! And to top it off, she even recorded the whole event! Let me also put things into perspective though, the two victims were evil women, one of them even hired goons to try to rape the heroine. Those goons never succeeded. Because of that I was cheering the heroine on. But when the heroine allowed those two to be raped, she lost all moral high ground in my mind! She became just as evil as her foe (one of the woman who got raped.) For a westerner like me, this was just too much! The heroine became like her foes: an evil person. There is no more reason to cheer her on!
Liked by 49 people
LIKEThere is NO EXCUSE for rape. Enemies or not. Been a foe/opponent/enemy does not change the fact that woman was a human being. Raping a woman is the same as removing all that person's humanity. She is just an object to be abused and belittled. Not to mention the psychological damaged caused by such this violent invasion of a woman's body. Raping is an invasion of a person's personal space, an attack upon a woman's fertility (rape babies do exist), an obliteration of that woman's sense of self-worth (her humanity) and an erasure of that woman's sense of security. So if you are in a position of saving a woman from been raped, the most BASIC HUMAN DECENCY will tell you to save her. But if you do not help, but in fact, abating this very act, what does that say about you as a human being? That is why the MC has lost all moral ground and has shown herself to be the SAME as her enemies. Why should anyone root for her? So she can continue to abate rape? **: the other woman was a bystander. She was innocent in the attacks against the MC. Yet she got raped too! So the MC DID harm an innocent woman.
I agree with everything you said... well put... I dropped the book in that stupid part of the story. It made me disgusted with the MC. She sided with a fucking serial rapist (and his partner) who is only going to hurt even more women and the next one down the road may even be a friend of hers or an acquaintance. Quite frankly, it seems to me that this author is just lazy. Every time a girl focused on hurting the MC it was with attempted rape. Why? Is that all girls think of in order to attack someone they hate? Did the author not have any other ideas to use to make these girls the bad guys of the story? The bottom line for me is anytime an MC rapes or is an accomplice in rape in a story... I drop it and move on to one of the many other stories on this site and many others.
Ummm sorry to tell you this but Rape is a common way for revenge. Not only in this book but the real world. Whether it be rejection or something else I as a woman can absolutely clarify this,for some reason some women today are jealous and vile creatures who would love to see those who they feel are better than them in a helpless state, and this is pretty obvious in the book. The author did what they wanted which just happens to be generally true sadly.
Honestly I’ve read the review THRICE and I can calmly say it’s pretty stupid I mean some points were kinda valid but the rest.... *coughs*. See here’s what I mean the first part was pretty good nothing bad so far 🤷🏾♀️ then it got to business..and that when I was like hold up is this a joke? You said that the way the business was being potrayed or whatever was weak and I understand that maybe it was a bit rushed but that’s what some people like about fast stories but anyways you complain about how things were easy for her and some deals fall into her lap well I’m sorry to break it to ya but when a person with ability wants something sometimes they don’t even have to work for it but the person giving out the opportunity sees what type of person they are and just hands it over but hopes they don’t disappoint and in this case Ning never disappoints. Then it got to romance... see I understand you probably stopped at chap.204 and didn’t see the progress with Leng and Ning but all I have to say is that it’s not like they want to be apart it’s their jobs they both understand how they can’t be together all the time that why when they talk about the future Ning says “If” or “We’ll see what happens in the future” because right now their jobs are what’s keeping them apart. It clearly states that Leng works above the military for the “Red Flame” and that’s a pretty dangerous job so I don’t get how you were unclear about that. And the rest well I don’t even want to say my input because I have a tendency to say very harsh things so I’m gonna stop here for now. AND LASTLY the reason you dropped the book was because Gu Ning witnessed two women get raped and that’s understandable so I respect that 🙂. But see here’s the thing Gu Ning didn’t plan on the men to rape her enemy she just happened to see what they were planning and didn’t stop it because LW wanted a group of men to rape, beat, and publicly humiliate Gu Ning by recording a video (which Ning also did) of Ning being raped and posting it on the Internet for ALL to see and she planned all this just because of a man who she couldn’t have. While on the other hand Ning had no vile intentions she didn’t even WATCH them rape the woman she simply recorded a video I don’t know why but she did she stated she just wanted to see what was going to happen, but I’m sure she’s going to use it against the men in the future. And I’m a westerner too but I can bear with this because Ning had no vile intentions and none of this was her fault I’m sure if they weren’t raped then the men probably would have found a way later on✨ ( just wanted to add in it clearly explains a lot of LS’s personality and the cause of it in chapters before the one you stopped on) I didn’t mean for this reply to offend you in anyway but I just felt like this had to said because a lot of my friends liked this book its also the reason I downloaded the app and to see people constantly badmouthing it is truly bothering.
Wow! Thank for justifying r*pe! I never knew you could look at it that way! With your permission, I will say the same thing to every woman to whom I have to do a r*pe kit at the Emergency room! I will say it like this: "OMG! Do not worry, it's nothing to be worried about! Especially since you are a bad woman! Please stop your fake tears! Your r*pe was completely justified since you are a bad person!" I can already imagine all these women who will suddenly realize that they were not violated! They were just having a normal s*xual encounter! Totally nothing to be hysterical about! No need for counselors! After all, nothing bad happened, because these women were bad women. Maybe they were not even human beings! 🤔 Date r*pe? Nah! That woman was a bad person! Totally justified! R*pe after using roofies? Nah! That woman was a bad woman, probably a drug dealer! She deserved it! What about the woman who witnessed it and did nothing to help? How dare you not like her! She is a SAINT! A saint, I say! She walks on air! And if she did not help you, it's because she is a saint and you, the"victim", are a bad woman, ie not a human being! Ah, yes! That is totally logical! Your world view is absolutely fascinating! Thank you for correcting the errors of my ways! To make me understand that all those crying women were just fakers! Sigh... My life is so much better, thank you!
I wasn’t justifying rape if I was a would’ve said “Oh she’s fine it’s not like they raped her death”, or this “IT ISNT EVEN THAT SERIOUS SHES FINE ITS HER FAULT ANYWAYS!” But I didn’t say that. I was justifying Gu Ning as simple as that people are getting on her case because she didn’t stop hell I wouldn’t either after what she did,but like I said you have your own opinion but I’m sure everyone can agree rape is not okay it’s a disgusting vile act BUT you’re making a big deal out of it although it’s just a book but go off hun 🙃😗✌🏾
Just a quick little add in all of the things that you typed up were completely useless because of the fact that I said NONE of those words I didn’t say oh she’s a bad person ALL BAD PEOPLE DESERVE TO BE RAPED but you were twisting my words making it sound like that although I don’t care what you think because you’re just another person on the internet I don’t like when people blame me for things I didn’t say nor do and make me sound like a bad person. And you’re welcome for correcting your errors I’m always happy to help 😸 some people just need a little whiteout on them. You’re seriously acting like I said Trump is the best president but for rape I said rape is A VILE AND DISGUSTING ACT and that all imma say cause you won’t listen and I don’t care if you do I said my piece you said yours.
Wow! You ARE a horrible person! Thank you for trying to justify r*pe! After all, lawyers always need clients!
Nice try to justify r*pe again. You are a horrible human being. If you are a westerner like me, I truly have no idea what part of the world can produce something like you! What kind of country or family can produce something like you. What kind of culture can produce something like you! What kind of hole did you crawl out of? Had a good read? Did you enjoy it? Did you feel good to be treated like an object? Treated less than human? Well, that what r*ped women feel! My main complaint about your previous female lead is that she did not help! Something you totally jusyify! That means that you agree to the r*pe! The world is a bad place! And r*pe is a way to commit atrocity, but it does not mean that it is acceptable to stand by and do nothing! Let me resume your thinking about the vilain: -she is my enemy. I will plan to have my enemy r*ped! -I will stand by as my enemy is been r*ped -I will record my enemy's experience so I can use it as blackmail material Wait! Did your precious female lead fulfill the last two criterias? And she is the female lead? Wow, so it's OK for the female to act that way, but when a minor character acts that way, she is the bad guy? That is a completely skewed way of thinking! And if I want to be mean, I would call you a Trump fanatic because he is the king of groping women! And since you agree with that behavior, you are a Trump butt kisser! Enjoy that? Because it is true though! Books are a reflection of society and culture! People write their experiences and prejudices. Just as people expresses their experiences and prejudices in the comments. BY AGREEING TO THE FEMALE LEAD'S ACTION, YOU HAVE SANCTIONED HER ACTIONS. Something that no decent people would agree too. So once again, I say that you are "JUSTIFYIMG R*PE!" and no matter how much word salad you add, it does not change that fact! So thank you for making the world a worst place and my work so much harder!
Ok so let’s say, I as a a 13+ year old was in Gu Ning body and was her age would completely agree to rape because ITS JUST THE BEST THING EVER 💖 I would love for a bunch of girls who are jealous of me to send men to rape,beat and,kill me 🤩 but when I see the same girl who wanted me DEAD being raped I’m going to help her and she’ll be so GRATEFUL she probably won’t claim that I planned the whole thing because I showed up to help her at that time. OH HERES THE BEST PART! Some man called me a horrible human being all because of a book and fictional characters I was just simply saying Gu Ning didn’t have to help her she could’ve but if Gu ning was in the situation what would that woman have done? Oh I wonder..hmm maybe she would’ve walked away while gloating that she finally got what she wanted. AND GUESS WHAT THIS ONE WASNT HER SCHEME SO SHE DOESNT HAVE TO TAKE THE BLAME! OH and another thing this person is attacking me because apparently women who have been raped mean nothing to me and I totally didn’t have a best friend who was almost raped in the school bathroom ☺️, right? So yes a ABSOLUTELY agree to rape and all people who have been raped should just suck it up and move on because it doesn’t scar them for life and they don’t have nightmares or a phobia of men in the future. WAIT NO THIS PART RIGHT HERE WILL ABSOLUTELY BLOW YOUR MIND I assume the person writing these OH SO wonderful paragraphs to me has a problem with all the rape going on in half the WEBNOVEL books on this app but lemme tell you just a bit of information China has a HORRIBLE sexual assault and rape problem which is why half the books on here contain them because it basically a normal thing over there and the government doesn’t care so how about you just copy and all of these GREAT paragraphs and put them under other peoples books because the author will change the whole book because it doesnt meet some persons standards and they can’t simply just be upset about and move on.I’m also sure you know that this book is just a translation and you commenting isnt going to change anything because its not the original. For some reason this paragraph just keep getting better and better I promise all because I’m ok and not butthurt over a decision Gu Ning made chapters ago I’m no longer a westerner 😢 I mean I never liked this country to begin with 🤷🏾♀️ but it’s still sad because some man in Canada has the right to say “if you’re a westerner like me you wouldn’t agree to this” agreeing and moving on are two different things but I’m tired of everyone saying “oh I dropped the book because it has rape in it TIME TO GO FIND ANOTHER BOOK THAT PROBABLY HAS RAPE IN IT.” “Oh shucks that one has rape too well time to go find another book that hopefully won’t have rape in it!” “Damn it rape again smh.” That’s basically what your time on Webnovel is gonna be like I also suggest you look up Webnovel.com/ rape reads, on the internet so you don’t encounter these HORRIBLE books again because because you oh so have a problem with moving on and ignoring things I’m gonna say this one last time ITS JUST A FICTIONAL BOOK WITH FICTIONAL CHARACTERS (fictional means fake 👍) although it’s basically a trend for writers on here to have rape because naturally its an easy get free card for authors to make readers hate someone. If you have a problem with bystanders sitting there and letting something happen then go K*ll half the world because almost everyone on earth has watched some be done with out stopping it whether it be because they were afraid of not they watched it happen how about you keep this same energy and go join sexual assault protest but I bet you haven’t because you just sit behind a screen acting like you know EVERYTHING claiming that people are horrible for letting go of something. I’ve seen a person who’s this heated because of a story maybe if it was a true story but it’s not so you’re just wasting you’re energy arguing with me I said what I said and meant what I said if what
I’m a horrible person for giving out information thx sir ☺️ I GUESS IM JUST JUSTIFY RAPE GIRL THATS LITERALLY ALL YOU SAY AND YOU PRESENT THE SAME REASONS IN DIFFERENT WORDS OVER AND OVER AGAIN GROW UP 🙄 learn a different between justifying something and leaving it alone I said I was just standing up for hi Ning but this whole thing was stupid because it’s just a book
I’m just gonna say it she died anyways and no it wasn’t because of the rape maybe it was part of the reason her body was weak but she died of an overdose or because she got hit upside the head with a beer bottle so this WHOLE THING IS OVER AND DONE thanks for the offending words I hope you show this whole conversation to your family or kids one day to show how impulsive you are because personal attack is never an option when talking about something different I guess thats only source to offend me 🤷🏾♀️
Congrats! You are using the same words that all the horrible people use. It’s just fake, make believe! When it is clear that stories are reflection of experiences and cultures. And comments are a reflection of your deep held belief! Yes, I did show your comments to my family and they were deeply offended that a so-called westerner can agree to the actions of the female lead, which I remind you is to allow a r*pe to happen. So the only conclusion is that you are a horrible person! And as with the previous walls of texts, you are dodging the real problem: your previous female lead acted as badly and as evil as the villain. So congrats again for cheering a horrible person! And for trying the dodge the main issue! And you have shown your true colors!
I seriously don’t get your logic. So I’m a horrible person because Gu Ning didn’t help some ***** who tried to kill her, I’m a horrible person because apparently I allow rape to happen like I’m god I guess, I’m a horrible person because you said so? Fuck off go do something better than sit here and argue over a fucking book it’s not real yes it can happen in real life how about you go on a rape survivors blog and rant but this is not the place the book is about a young woman becoming a businesswoman you stopped reading because you can’t handle one rape scene then get off of the app. Like I said your just some irrelevant person on the internet judging others like you have the right to. And I don’t care if you or your family don’t any like me NEWS FLASH I don’t like you either. I’m ashamed to be a westerner myself with the way this country is. You’re taking it to heart all because I was saying it’s not Ning’s fault idk why you’re such a little ***** but suck it up YOURE MAD ABOUT A FUCKING BOOK the girl could’ve been in a worse situation get over it. So you can take your proud western ass finger and shove it 👍 and I’m done with this whole stupid mess because even my 8 year old brother says your a dumbass.
And darling my true colors are Pink,Blue,and purple 💖💜💙 😌✨
Beautiful! I just love the fact you avoid once again to address the core issue! Oh well, what is the point to try to make a brainless person understand what a normal decent human should act. Good luck! And you can be any color you want to be as long as you stay away from normal human beings and normal society.
I get/understand that a lot of bad people do this or use this type of vile act against women in stories and in real life but I have no interest in reading a story in which the MC 'aids and abets' in such acts. She could have easily got her revenge on that girl another way that leads to the imprisonment of that female antagonist instead of allowing her to be violently raped by a serial rapist and his friend. Furthermore, she just did nothing as they also raped the other woman that was there and never did her harm. I expected more from her as the MC, after all, didn't the author make a big deal about how great of a person she was before she died and transmigrated... wasn't she supposed to be some badass? As such, she should have resolved this problem without helping rapists and allowing an innocent girl that just happened to be with the person she had issues with to be raped in the process. Anyways, there are many books online and offline with MC's that when facing such circumstances (i.e. having someone attempting to set them up to be raped) use their abilities to turn the tables and have the bad guys pay for it with pain and/or jail. Instead, the MC from this story even becomes a 'wingman' for rapists later on in the story from what I read in some posts; According to the posts, I read she later helps some male friend from being drugged by some girl and instead forces the girl to drink the drug and then stands aside as the guy tells 2 other guys to go rape her... They're just too much of it (rape) in this story as if the author is too lazy to think of other means of making the female antagonists the 'bad guys' of the story. I mean the first female antagonist hires bad guys to kidnap and rape the MC... as does the second girl and the third girl and the fourth girl so for me that was enough to just move on from this story since there are so many stories out there to read and not enough time so I might as well spend that time reading what I like. As for what I moved onto that would be Reincarnated as a Fox with a System, The Spider Queen, Nine Star Burden, Fields of Gold, and New World New Life.